Monday, October 7, 2024

Sunday Was A Shopping Day - DH Needed Clothes

Today was the first "real" day of my new schedule - treadmill on Monday, Friday and Saturday, and swimming on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It's a schedule that I was on for years, until my treadmill broke down and COVID came to visit (and never really left - rather like a visitor who simply won't return home after a week or two). It's likely that my posts will be a bit shorter and maybe (maybe) a bit more to point. But I'll still be here six days a week as always, unless I've warned you before-hand that I'll be on vacation or taking a break. 

It's been a real pleasure to be back on a treadmill 
once again. Building it back into my routine for 
Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays will take a little 
bit of effort, but will be well worth it. 

Today was my second day on the treadmill, and I was determined to do 30 minutes, and try various things out. I've determined that I cannot watch the virtual reality scenic runs AND listen to my Spotify from the treadmill at the same time. I can do one or the other, but not both together. So, on Friday, I'll bring my phone to the treadmill and listen to Spotify on the phone while working out on the tread. It'll be just fine. I did get DH logged in, but when I offered to tell him about the machine so that he would be able to use it, he brushed me off. He was upset at me for one reason or other. Not really sure why. 

Spotify isn't my favorite music, although I've worked up 
some decent playlists on it over the years. I might link 
the treadmill to my phone directly and just listen to my 
Sirius station of choice. I'd love to be moving along 
with Metallica - LOL. 

DH actually had a rather nice Sunday. He desperately needed some new pants, so determined he would go to JC Penny's and buy some. That's an old-fashioned store, but it's a comfort zone for him, and he knew he would be likely to find something that would work. He ended up with four pairs of pants (all of which need to be shortened), two pairs of shoes and a new set of slippers. I had given him $100 in gift cards for the holidays (which he had completely forgotten about), so it ended up costing him $250 instead of the $350 it would have. Go me! LOL

JC Penny is not my favorite store, but DH has always 
liked them, and they did do an outstanding job with 
our living room draperies. So, off we went to JC 
Penny and they had things he actually liked. Now to 
get the pants shortened at my local tailor. 

So I'm ready to jump into the work week. I did my meditation, worked out on the treadmill for 30 minutes of 4 mph speed (not massive speed, but I'm not supposed to do impact, as much as just walk at a fast pace), took my shower, made my tea and settled at the computer to jot down my blog. Goodness! I guess I've already done quite a lot, and it's only 6:20 am. Have a wonderful Monday, and I'll be back for a swimming day tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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