Friday, October 11, 2024

Scheduling, Treadmill, VOIP and a Dehydrator - Lots of This and That

I'm off schedule today, so quite late with this post. My apologies. I'm trying to get into the habit of getting onto the treadmill first thing in the morning on the days that I work on that equipment (Friday, Saturday and Monday). I had decided to try something different today, so I took my phone and earbuds and set up my favorite listening music on Sirius. There's nothing like hard rock to get things moving in the morning. I had a much more productive "run" because of the sound that accompanied the virtual screen, and managed to get in 2-1/2 miles before calling it done for the day. I'm very happy with the treadmill - it's quiet, it works perfectly, and (so far) it's all mine. I'm happy to share with DH, but there are some ground rules he'll have to follow, or he'll be banned. (Cleanliness is prominent in those ground rules.) 

I'm used to the gym where people are really good about 
cleaning their machines when they're finished using them. 
DH, on the other hand, isn't so good about that. I'll 
have to insist - I don't want my treadmill to be scuzzy. 

After a shower, I settled down for a bite to eat, then remembered I hadn't done my blog yet. OOPS! So, you're getting this almost an hour later than you normally would. Far from the end of the world, but definitely different. 

I have a rather generic smart watch, similar 
to this one. It's perfect for my swimming. 
Looking at the measurements it can do, it will 
also do my pulse rate monitoring and of 
course, count my steps. I love it when I don't 
have to purchase another piece of equipment. 

I also wasted some time trying to see about a portable heart rate monitor, not realizing that my smart watch does that function for me without having to buy/wear another piece of equipment. Yippee! At least one good thing today. 

Our new phones are similar to this one - larger 
than what we've had in the past, but also much 
easier for DH to actually hear through, and for 
my shop people to handle. Going wireless will 
be a big switch for us, but it's time to go with 
the flow (and the Federal mandate - LOL). 

I'm in the middle of a "negotiation" with my phone company and my security alarm people at the shop. We are upgrading to wireless for our phone system (actually mandated for businesses by the end of the year). I found a company I liked for that, and signed a contract with them. They, in turn, sent me two phones at no charge (and they're REALLY nice VOIP phones), and are giving me two months free while we arrange to get our security alarm system ready to move to wireless as well. THAT's been like pulling the whole camel through the eye of the needle. 

VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) phones, or 
other wireless types, are required for businesses 
by the end of this year, and for homes by the 
end of next year. They're trying to eliminate 
copper wiring all-around. Not a bad idea, actually. 
But it's an expense we hadn't planned on. 

The original quote from my alarm company was almost $1200! and I totally balked at that. I drilled down and talked to a lot of people, finally finding out in detail exactly what was required to do the switchover, talked with the person who had generated that quote, and he came back to me yesterday with one closer to $900. It's still pricey, but it's better. He also broke down the costs, and almost half ot that $900 is the new equipment box that will be necessary to get everything wireless. The remainder is installation and labor. I guess I can live with that, so now to herd the cats so that everyone is doing their installation/switchover within the same 24 hour period. I don't want to be without my security alarm for longer than that. 

Dehydrated pineapple is one of my favorite treats from 
my dehydrator. I have a pineapple that's perfectly ripe, and 
I set up the dehydrator this morning. I'll have a lovely snack 
by this time tomorrow. 

I'll be trying to work out all of the details today, making lots of phone calls and trying to get things scheduled between the two different companies. In between all of that, I also have other things on my agenda that have to happen, and I set up the dehydrator to make one of my absolute favorite things - dried pineapple chunks. SO GOOD! So I'll be busy today - nothing unusual about that - LOL. Have an excellent Friday, I'll be back tomorrow to wrap up the week. Be kind, make someone smile today, and Slava Ukraini. 

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