Thursday, October 10, 2024

A Traveling Phlebotomist (Who Knew?) and Hurricane Milton

Have you ever heard of a "travelling phlebotomist"? I was introduced to one yesterday, for my blood draw. The lab at my clinic is now being managed by an outside firm, although they are still located in the large building that houses the clinic. The older woman I had for my blood draw yesterday was having some difficulties getting one of my tests to be accepted in their new computer system, and we had a chance to chat a little bit while she was working things out. 

It's probably disrespectful, but I usually think of 
phlebotomists as "vampires" in a modern setting. 
Of course, phlebotomists are nothing of the sort, 
but I'm sure many of you also call them by that 

Now, I'm a horrible person for blood draws. I have VERY small veins, and usually they have to use baby needles on me for any success. Some people are great at hitting the vein immediately, but others make me feel like a pincushion. She was of the first variety. While drawing my blood, she told me that she's a travelling phlebotomist, and she accepts three-month jobs at a variety of hospitals and clinics throughout the USA. She had just returned to traveling after spending three months with her husband and his aged parents in North Carolina. But her job has allowed her to see many parts of the nation in short bits and pieces. It's been perfect for her, and she was GREAT. 

Usually after any blood draw, I'll have bruising 
at the vein or within the vicinity. This time I 
have no mark at all, and no blood on the gauze 
either. She was superb at her job. 

Usually I have a bruise, and a bit of dried blood on the gauze and bandaid, but not this time. Not one drop staining anything and my arm looks untouched. Brilliant! I wish I could have her every time I need a blood draw, but I'm sure she'll be in a different clinic in a different state when I need my next one. I wish her well on her continued travels and a happy and long life. 

Hurricane Milton is a monster, and so incredibly 
destructive. I have on-line friends who are in the 
affected area, as well as friends who have relatives 
living there. I hope everyone comes through safely. 

Our Great Leader for LJ Idol is being affected by the hurricane, and has put everything on hold until after he's able to return to "normal". I may survive to write another week through default - LOL - but I'll take it. I adore writing to theme, it stretches my mind and imagination. I hope he and everyone affected have pulled through this safely. It looked AMAZINGLY HUGE and quite frightening on the small screen of the TV, and I'm grateful that we only have occasional tornadoes up here. Yes, tornadoes are very destructive, but they have a much smaller area of direct impact. In addition, not that it matters, tornadoes are beautiful to see (from a distance). Have a wonderful Thursday, be safe and be kind. I'm off to the pool for my final swim of the week. Treadmill on Friday and Saturday - hurrah! Slava Ukraini. 

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