Friday, October 4, 2024

It's Treadmill Installation Day - And a New TV?

DH was at the Comcast store shortly before 10:00 am and was astonished that a line was already forming! (I wasn't surprised - with all that Comcast does, there are so many different things they are consulted on). But, he gamely joined the line with our documentation and, after running into an old friend and former customer of mine for a quick chat, was paired with a customer service rep who was VERY helpful and VERY efficient. The transcript of my former conversation with Comcast was also helpful - apparently I'd been given a LOT of very incorrect instructions. *sigh*

The whole reason for the entire TV replacement event 
is to get our hockey games. Well ... (I can hear you 
laughing and the eyes rolling) ... it's IMPORTANT to 
us - LOL. 

Armed with new hardware, he returned home to deal with the physical aspect of updating our televisions. He succeeded with the set in the bedroom (our main TV and our newest one), then tackled the smaller TV that we have in the computer room. That's a TV that he has on a lot. I don't watch TV except at night with him, so it's not urgent for me to have it working. After a lot of examination, etc., he determined that this TV is too old to be compatible, which set both of us on an internet hunt for a new TV that could fit the restricted space we have to work within. 

We both rather liked the Feihe TV, but it was one of those 
that "couldn't ship to our area". I have no idea. All I can 
think is that there's a component in there that's illegal 
with our environmental laws. 

I went to bed with this issue still unresolved. One brand we liked (somewhat) wouldn't "ship to our designated area" (whatever that means) and others had poor reviews for sound (very important since DH is hearing impaired) or angle of vision (important for me since I sit at the other desk and am at an angle to the screen). Things were unresolved when I went to sleep. 

The Westinghouse would work in our space (with some 
adjustments) and can be shipped quickly to us. That's 
probably what we'll end up with. The cost is good also, 
only $116. 

I found a note in my keyboard this morning, since DH had continued to search through the web and Amazon. 

   "Looking at Westinghouse D2 (type into Amazon search). It's not smart TV, but they say 
  picture good and easy to set up. Everyone says sound is tinny, but no one has good 
  sound. It's 21.6" wide x 14.5" high (we have 19" of unrestricted space available, everything 
  larger will require some changes in our shelving) so we'd have to set board across top 
  because base is not adjustable which means top of screen will be about one inch higher than
  top of current TV. $115.99 and quick delivery."

So, I'll take a look when I've finished this post, and see. I really don't care that much. I rarely have any TV except the kitchen set on, and that one is just to listen to the news while making dinner, watch "Wheel of Fortune" while eating, and that's about it. As I said, I'm not much of a TV person. He's the one who wakes up and immediately turns on the bedroom TV. I would be quite content with a single TV to watch PBS on, and a decent DVD player for those odd times when I feel like watching a film. I'd much rather stick my head into an ebook - LOL. 

My problem is that although Etsy automatically set the 
sales tax rate, it was the wrong rate because my City 
sales tax hadn't been included. I tried to alter that several 
months ago without success, but found a new place to 
enter my rate yesterday morning, so I'm hoping that 
future orders from Etsy will be appropriately charged. 
In the meantime, the store had been eating that extra 
0.05% and we're priced about as low as we can go, so 
it wasn't making me happy. 

So that was yesterday's catastrophe - LOL. I had my own catastrophe at the shop with a couple of Etsy orders, but got that resolved and they're on their way to their respective purchasers. Our financial books will be messed up until the monies are deposited into our account from Etsy, but that won't be long. They're usually quite efficient. 

Today this baby is coming home to me! I can hardly wait 
for it to be set up in my den so that I can start working out 
 on a treadmill once again. It's got all the bells and whistles, 
so getting used to it will also be a lot of fun. 

The big thing today is ... TODAY IS TREADMILL INSTALLATION DAY! I'm SO looking forward to this. I need to remember to bring my vacuum down from its' storage because I haven't vacuumed underneath the old treadmill in YEARS. Having a new, functional treadmill in that room is going to be absolute HEAVEN, and will mean that I'll be able to exercise on my off days, not just swim three days a week. Happy Me! Have an excellent Friday, and if you haven't voted for my current tale on LJ Idol, I'd really appreciate a vote. The link to the tale is and I'm sure it will be a tight competition, as always. I don't think I've ever made it in the competition for this long before, and I'd love to continue to write for it. Slava Ukraini. 

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