Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Now I Get To Figure Out Digital Phones for the Shop - Oh Joy! (Not)

I've got about 15 minutes to get this written and posted today. It's a rare day when I sleep until my alarm goes off (it's set for 3:00 am on swimming days and I know, that's early for most people). But, I'm ready to head to the gym, I've printed the business cards I needed for the shop, I packed up my laptop, and I'm as ready as possible when I return from swimming. I'll contact my treadmill people today to inquire about scheduling the delivery and payment. I don't want to get lost in the sea of paperwork and orders that they get from the MN State Fair. 

I'm getting the top of the line in this version of treadmill. 
I figure if I'm paying for it and using it, I deserve the 
best - one that I can work with until they burn me. This 
seemed like a good choice. 

I get this week and next week before Chickie is gone on a two-week vacation. Well deserved - but still, it will be a royal PITA. Today, however, I get my own version of hell. I need to look into changing our phone system at the shop from a wired one to a wireless one to meet with Federal regulations. Our phones will become inoperable later this year. We use the old wired and push button style - very old school, but that makes sense for a business that's been around since the 1950's. I was thinking about limping along in one way, but DH is actually up to the thought of upgrading the equipment, then taking it home when we close the place so that we can have digital phones at home. I'm all for that. So I have interviews with several digital phone companies early this morning, before I have to open the store. Ick! I hate initial calls like this, but I need more information, and this is the way to get it. 

My only concern about going digital at the shop 
is the security system. Sometimes those get 
a bit picky with a digital system, and sometimes 
they don't respond correctly when the power 
goes off during a thunderstorm or something. 

For home - hell, we really don't use the land line at home either. We rely on our cell phones for almost everything. But there are times when we actually need a land line, and our security system is tied to the land lines. I'll need to contact that company anyway and make sure our security system at the shop will be compatible with a digital phone system. Some of them are more fussy than others. So I'm taking the first steps onto that road, but it needs to be walked, and relatively soon. Just one more thing to do - LOL. 

Any phone system I get needs to be easy enough for 
DH to understand and handle (he's not all that up 
on modern technology - although he likes his portable 
phone). He's very old-school. *sigh*

On that thought, swimming looks like a very good way to get rid of some of this stress. So I'm wrapping this up and heading for the pool. Have an excellent Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow - hopefully with positive things to report and a bit more time to write them down. Slava Ukraini. 

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