Monday, September 9, 2024

Miscellaneous This and That - A Bit of Kvetch, Too

DH and I had decided to skip Renaissance Festival this past Sunday and have a relaxing day enjoying football. I asked him for a read-through of my latest story for LJ Idol, which he did, and his suggestions were quite helpful. After a lot of writing and re-writing, I think I have it ready to submit. Of course, last story, although I did manage to survive another week, I was still in the bottom for voting. I know that's because I don't have a wide circle of outside friends or relatives I can ask to vote for me, and I'm VERY appreciative of each and every one of you who do cast your vote in my favor. I'll submit my next story today and it will go live later in the week. As the saying goes ... I live to write another day - LOL. 

I live to write another week, and this week's tale 
will be posted today. I don't think voting will open 
until later in the week, I'll let all of you know. 

My first task this morning (after my meditation, shower and brewing a cup of tea) was to find a supplier for a new batch of Mr Clean Thin Eraser. They're amazingly difficult to find but I vastly prefer them over the thicker eraser pads that you find everywhere. One complete clean of my shower will destroy any pad, and with the thin ones,  I get 16 pads in a box. Over time, it's far more economical for my usage. But it's hard to find. I finally found a good price on a carton from a cleaning supply company in Pennsylvania. I ordered five containers of four boxes each. That will keep my in stock for a minimum of six months, probably closer to a year. 

I prefer using the thin sheets to clean my 
shower and bathrooms. They do fall apart, 
but so do the thick ones. I get 16 in a box 
of these, so they actually last a LOT longer 
than the thicker cleaning pads do. 

I start my last week of comfortable work schedule today. Chickie goes on a two week vacation starting next week, and DH and I will have to work six days a week at the shop for two weeks. That will be as close to hell as I can possibly think, and I'll be MORE than grateful when she gets back into town. DH tends to spend most of his time in the basement, or growling about bills and cash flow. Either way, he's always in a bad mood, and I hate being tied to my space on the sales floor without even the ability to get any computer work done. If anything will crash and burn my writing contest for me, it'll be Chickie's vacation. She well deserves the time off, but two weeks in a row is harsh for DH and I. 

While Chickie is away on vacation starting next week, 
DH and I will have to work six day weeks to have two 
people at the store at all times. I won't get my days off, 
nor will he. That's the reality of working with a small 
staff - you have to pitch in for one another. But we rarely 
take blocks of time off. She's taking two full weeks off 
in a row. *sigh*

Still, I have one "normal" week left, and I'm going to try and enjoy it to the fullest - LOL. On that note, I'm going to wrap this "kvetch" fest up and start my day with a nice cup of tea and breakfast. Have a lovely Monday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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