Saturday, September 7, 2024

LJ Idol, Lighting, Dehydrating and the Treadmill - Lots Going On

I survived my latest LJ Idol challenge, and the next one has been issued. I'll be turning this one around in my head for a bit, but not for too long. The deadline is on Thursday. I enjoy contests like this - writing challenges in school were always my favorite thing. To pick something up from a minimal theme and write something worth reading was always a fun quest. Now to cogitate ... LOL. 

I'm starting to get excited about getting my new 
treadmill. It's one step closer ... but not quite here 
yet. I'll have to really educate DH about how I need 
this taken care of. He's a bit of a slob, and I'm not having 
my new machine mishandled. 

I bought peaches and a pineapple at the store yesterday, thinking to put them into the dehydrator for some lovely snacks. The peaches cut up into three trays worth of fruit, so I did those overnight. Then, after my morning meditation, I brought the dried peaches up, pulled them off the trays and into a baggie for storage, and then cleaned everything, cut up the pineapple, and put that fruit into the dehydrator to dry throughout the day. The cycle should be finished in the early evening, giving me plenty of time to empty and clean the dehydrator and then return it to the cupboard where I keep it. 

I love my new dehydrator, and I've been using it 
a lot. I bought extra mesh shelving and catch trays 
for it - just received those last week. That opened me 
up to being able to do the fruit that I've been doing 
yesterday and today. 

I'm having a kitchen ceiling light that's trying to die. *sigh* There's nothing that bothers me much more than a flickering light, so as soon as I drop my laptop off at the store, I'm heading over to Menard's hardware store for a quick purchase of replacement bulbs. My fixture takes two ring fluorescent bulbs - a 12" and an 8". The 12" is flickering a lot, but it doesn't make sense to me to only replace the single bulb. If one is going (and they were both purchased and replaced at the same time), the other one is surely going to be going soon. So, I'll look for two circular fluorescent bulbs and hopefully get those changed tonight. Flickering lights drive me CRAZY. 

My kitchen fixture is similar to this. It used to have 
a square shade around it, but the shade broke from 
old age and I haven't found a replacement that looks 
decent. So I keep the bulbs uncovered. At least it 
gives me very good lighting in my kitchen - an important 
room to have good lighting in while using sharp knives. 

I texted back and forth with the saleswoman for my treadmill yesterday. Apparently, on Wednesday, her phone decided that a dunk in a body of water was called for, and therefore, died. She spent Thursday getting a new phone and then hours of work getting it set up again and downloading the many things she had, including my sales proposal. She's back up and running now, and we discussed which of two screens I wanted, as well as the strictures on our delivery date because of Chickie's upcoming vacation. She'll check with her delivery people, send me a final copy of the invoice for payment, and I'll get the money transferred to her when everything is set up properly. I can hardly wait to get my new treadmill, even though it might not actually arrive until early next month (depending on their own delivery schedule meshing with Chickie's planned days off). 

I'm looking forward to my dehydrated pineapple. The peaches 
that I did overnight turned out wonderful, and I'm sure the 
pineapple also will. I love having dehydrated fruit for a 
quick pick-me-up snack. 

So, as I have my pineapple drying in the dehydrator, my new theme for the next story assigned, and my basic schedule for the day established, I hope you have a wonderful Saturday. We've cooled off considerably from our very HOT State Fair, and even though it's comfortable, I'm back in long sleeved shirts and jeans. It might be comfortable, but I'm usually cold, no matter what. Why I live in the Frozen Northlands is a mystery to me sometimes - LOL. Have an excellent weekend and I'll be back on Monday. Slava Ukraini! 

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