Friday, September 6, 2024

It's Voting Time With a Twist - PLEASE Read and Vote For My Story This Week

Gary is making things VERY interesting this week for votes. Instead of just checking a box, you actually have to email him about the story(ies) you're voting for. So here's the link to all of the stories. Each person has their individual link in their comment. Then, you read and vote. Now here's the killer - whoever wins this week has IMMUNITY. Now that's HUGE. So, I'd very much appreciate your taking that extra step and emailing him at before Friday (today) at 7:00 pm. If you're voting for more than one, please make it alphabetical by author, it's a bit easier for him. He will email you in return, acknowledging your vote. 

Once again votes are open, but there's a different 
twist this time, and a VERY short timeline. Please 
send your email as stated above, and I hope you 
enjoyed reading my tale in six drabbles. 

That's it. Votes need to be in by 7:00 pm Eastern Time Zone TODAY, and I'd VERY much appreciate your votes. I decided to dive back into a format that I've loved for years, and made my story a series of six drabbles. The theme was "bycatch" - a term I'd never heard before, but apparently a lot of people were familiar with it. 

Bycatch - it was a term I wasn't familiar with, and I 
suspect I did a different take on it with my entry this 
week, but I like what I did, and I hope you enjoy reading 
it and voting for it. Voting is a bit different this week, 
but it's really not horrid, just different. 

I only get two more weeks of working with Chickie before she heads to the East Coast for a two-week vacation. I may be in prison for killing DH by the time she returns - LOL. But ... we've done it before and we'll do it again. It's not easy, but far from impossible, to work two six-day weeks in a row. I'll be cranky and a bit out of sorts, but at least I'll have my swimming and that will help. Still, that's two weeks in the future. I don't have to deal with that this week. 

DH finally read my story and really enjoyed it. Asking 
him to vote would be an exercise in futility, however. *sigh* 
At least he read it, that's a start. 

So, I do hope you read my story and vote for it, and read some of the others too. There are some really excellent authors out here in this group, and I'm always honored that I seem to be able to keep my head above water with them. Have an excellent Friday. I'm off to the pool for a rare Friday swim (since I missed my Tuesday this week). Slava Ukraini, I'll be back tomorrow to wrap this week up. 

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