Thursday, September 5, 2024

A Short Post, A Request for a Vote and This & That

Just a short post today since today is my Wednesday ... yeah. Monday holidays can really mess with my schedule, and this time is no exception. So ... today is trash day - the trash bucket, the recycling bucket AND the yard waste bucket all have to be at the curb no later than 6:00 am. I take the trash and recycling out of the garage and put them down there before I leave for the pool, but I really can't see the west sidewalk in the dark, so the yard waste bucket gets put out when I get home from swimming and the sun is up and helping me see where the sidewalk ends and the dirt begins. 

Our raspberries didn't bear much this year - DH was in them early in the Spring thinning out the plants and doing some trim work. He warned me that we wouldn't have much of a crop this year, and he was right. Next year, however, should be abundant because the plants just LOVED that extra bit of attention and a year off to recover and grow. They're very high and very bushy and I'm expecting a bumper crop next summer. 

Although this is NOT my raspberry patch, in a good year, 
it's exactly what my patch looks like. We knew we 
wouldn't get a crop this year because this year was a 
rebuilding year, but next year should be spectacular. 

I got the check from my account delivered to my front door yesterday, and quickly took it to my bank and had it deposited into my account. I'm set to pay for my treadmill now, and left a voice message for my sales rep letting her know everything was set to go on my end. I'm sure yesterday was spent unpacking and going through all of the various orders collected from the Fair, but I'll hear from her soon, hopefully by the end of tomorrow. My next concern is a delivery date that will mesh with Chickie's East Coast trip. I have faith it will all work out in the long run, however. 

I have this week's story up. I almost took a Bye, but an 
idea came to me and I'm quite pleased with the end 
result. I'd very much appreciate your vote. The person 
with the most votes from this week wins IMMUNITY! 

I'm in a bit of a rush today, and although I have some photos to share, I think I'll save those until Saturday when I have a bit more breathing room. I'm swimming today and tomorrow since I didn't get my Tuesday swim in this week, so my schedule is shifted slightly. I also have a new story up in LJ Idol ( ) and, as always, would very much appreciate your reading, commenting, and VOTING. The person receiving the most votes this week receives IMMUNITY - that's HUGE. So, read, and please vote for me. Have an excellent Thursday and Slava Ukraini. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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