Wednesday, September 11, 2024

So Many Pans in my Fire, and I'm Not Even Talking About Writing!

I'm running a bit late today, and it's a laundry and cooking and shopping day. It's my last laundry, cooking and shopping day for several weeks. For the next two weeks, I'll be grabbing time as I can because I'll be working six day weeks and I won't have my "day off". Sucks~but Chickie well deserves her vacation. As I recall, she didn't take any vacation at all last year, or maybe just a day here and there. (I could be wrong about that - there might have been a trip to Montana built into her schedule). Still, she deserves her vacation. 

It's a bit too early in the year for us to have 
leaf turn, but within a month or so, we'll 
be multiple colors. The trees are already 
starting to turn and Fall in the Frozen 
Northlands is a spectacular season. 

Vacation - what thoughts do you have when that word is mentioned? For me it's sandy beaches, palm trees, sun and surf. Since I've experienced that so rarely in my life, I'll blame media for that vision. Television and movies have cemented that experience into my brain as an "acceptable" vacation. But I would be fine just having an extended period of a week or two away from the shop. That would be ample "vacation" for me. I'm quite happy at home, and I need to do a major clean before my treadmill can be delivered and set up. 

When I Google "Summer Vacation" for images, almost 
every one features a beach and summer sun dancing on 
the waves. Almost 100% of the images. What? Summer 
doesn't exist in a small cabin in the Rocky Mountains? 
To experience Summer you have to be at a beach? Really? 

Speaking of the treadmill, I'll have to call her today. I haven't heard from her in a couple of days, and I still have no date for delivery. I haven't paid them yet either, so I'm fine with the delay. I also am quite sure I'm far from the only person who ordered equipment from them at the State Fair. Those booths are not inexpensive, and they can't afford to be there just to be a showcase for equipment. But, with Chickie's vacation coming up, I fear I may not actually have my new treadmill until the middle of next month. I comfort myself with the thought that I haven't had a functional treadmill for more than two years, so a few more weeks won't make a difference. But I really, really REALLY want my treadmill - LOL. 

I did call and get the ball rolling on a new phone system 
for the shop. Yesterday was filled with dealing with the 
paperwork and filling out form after form. I think the 
system I chose will work well for us, and it should actually 
save us quite a bit on our current monthly rate because 
we'll be dropping one carrier and going with a different 
one. Still hoops to jump through, but I got a good start 
on everything. 

So, since I'm not on a treadmill, I'm dressed for the swimming pool. It'll be a very busy Wednesday all around, so I'm going to wrap this up. Stories are due on Thursday, so I'll be posting voting information for all of you on Friday. Have a truly wonderful Wednesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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