Saturday, September 14, 2024

My VERY Busy "Day Off" and Computer Issues

As soon as I got back from my grocery shopping yesterday, I dove into making my week's portion of "Ogre Juice" (alkagizer) and then, after the kitchen was cleaned up again, went down to the den to assess what needed to be cleaned up. A hell of a LOT! Oy! I dove right in, didn't even stop to take any photos of the mess. I started on the mess at the North wall - boxes and books that had been stacking up there for several years. I pulled out every box, went through it putting the items away or tossing them, and then continued to the next.

I have a tri-leaf folding table at the South wall that I've had up. When I use my knitting machine, make holiday cards, or do any jewelry making, this is my spot. I had one leaf up, the other folded down, but it still was quite a bit to get cleared away and put away properly.

Then I tackled what was underneath the table - mostly photographic supplies like my light rings, white chamber, spotlights, etc. I got all of that finally put away, folded the wing down so that the table is now
just an eight-inch thick piece of wood, and moved it against the South wall. I made sure I could open the closet door for Sewing Area Storage #1.


My attention turned to the boxes blocking Knitting Area Storage #1 (or Sewing Area Storage #3). I had a large box, and a bunch of Swarovski crystals labelled and bagged by type. I had been photographing them for our Etsy sales platform - thus the lighting, white box, etc. Those got gathered up and consolidated into a single box. Since it's a project that's not actually finished (although it might not be worth expanding it any farther), I consider it a WIP and that box had just enough room to snug in next to the table on the South wall.

That left a variety of boxes and bins to go through, item by item, which I did. A fair amount was tossed, quite a few items were separated out for photographs to be listed for sale online, and a couple of lidded plastic boxes were put into the lower attic space. I was proud of myself - I only had to reset one mouse trap, not the whole row of them - LOL. I can be quite a klutz in that low-ceiling crawl space.

Finally, I folded up my Fluidity Barre. I'm going to offer that for sale at the YMCA I think. It normally costs almost $600 to purchase. I had bought it during COVID because I was going crazy being unable to exercise when I broke my foot and couldn't use the treadmill. I got a good deal on it, and used it quite a bit while I was healing when all of the gyms were closed, but I really don't need it any more. So I'll offer it for sale at a good price, probably around $150. It's a great piece of equipment for anyone who loves dance or who loves good stretching and flexibility exercises, and I have all of the items it came with.

After dinner, DH wanted to put an order in to Hong Kong for some stone beads we need for the shop. He finalized the order and asked me to pay for it with my Discover card (not an unusual request). However, apparently my card has been compromised. After almost 30 minutes on the phone with Discover, they are issuing me a new card, the old card is frozen, and I have now downloaded the past five months of transactions to see if I can isolate what charge(s) are fraudulent. We put the stone onto the AMEX card instead - *sigh*.

So, what do you usually do on YOUR day off? LOLOL

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