Monday, September 16, 2024

It's My 45th Wedding Anniversary Today - And We Haven't Killed Each Other Yet! LOL

Yesterday DH and I spent the day at the Renaissance Festival to celebrate our wedding anniversary a day early. We had a delightful day, going in and out of shops. He enjoyed my little arcane bookstore, "Library of Alexandria" as much as I, and we actually spent a bit of time there, looking through their shelves and stacks. He was captivated by several books that he swears he has - books that were instrumental in the foundations of Tolkien's epic works. I checked out several different Tarot decks, but I love the deck I've been using for several years and don't need a replacement or addition. 

I use the Tarot of Dreams deck, illustrated by 
Ciro Marchetti. I have other decks by this artist 
also, and have always loved the artwork. When 
using a deck, it has to speak to you, his decks 
work well for me over the years. 

I ate several items I would normally have said "No" to, the occasional swerve doesn't mean I'm off the WildFit road, just a swerve. I'm back on the road today, and my body didn't go haywire because of the gluten, so all was well. I bought a bottle of rather unusual soy sauce from a sauce and oils vendor. I'm looking forward to incorporating its' levels of complexity into a dish down the line. 

Gazing to my right as I sit at my computer right 
now, I see several bottles of her Patchouli 
mixes, a bottle of Nag Champa, and my 
latest acquisition, a tiny bottle of Herat. I 
adore her perfumes and oils and have been 
shopping here for as long as I've been 
going to Ren Fest - almost 50 years now. 

I dropped by Lady of the Lakes scarves to see if they were able to make me the scarf I had requested last week. It appeared as though that order slipped through the cracks, but I did get a card and emailed her yesterday evening with photos attached of exactly what I was referring to when I was describing the color progression. We have two weeks left of Ren Fest before the season closes, and I hope they can get this one done for me. Otherwise, we'll have to work it as a mail order. I want this scarf! 

I want an ombre scarf with this color 
progression. It goes down to a deep blue 
at the bottom, starting from a white at the 
top. Gorgeous. I sent her two photos that 
Chickie had taken last week of these scarves, 
and hopefully she can get a large square scarf 
done for me with this coloring.

Today is my formal wedding anniversary - my 45th. We're starting year 46 now, and we'll just go ahead and shoot for 50. If we don't kill each other in some argument or other before then, it'll be just grand - LOL. I hope all of you have a wonderful Monday. My day is a bit crowded today, so I'm plugging in photos and heading to drop DH's truck off at the dealership for a six-month checkup. I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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