Friday, September 13, 2024

Housecleaning, Bone Density, and Voting For My Story

I have a video conference with my physician next Tuesday. This is new ground for me - I've never done a video consultation before, but I suppose there's a first time for everything, and sometimes this is a bit easier all around. I can tell her that I'm getting a treadmill delivered and set up (although the actual date for delivery is still unknown), but more than that, we need to talk about my bone density results - which were NOT good. 

I'm a bit concerned about my latest bone density scan. I've 
had a 3% decrease in my lumbar spine, a 6.1% decrease in 
my right hip, and a 6.8% decrease in my left hip. That's 
totally NOT good, in anyone's book. 

While on the conference with her, my co-worker and DH want me to request a more detailed memory assessment test from her. They're quite concerned that I'm not as sharp as I used to be. They're not wrong, but I'm not sure it's dementia rearing its' ugly head, as much as a realization - bone deep - that I want to be anywhere BUT at the shop and want to do my own thing without being bothered. I haven't been able to create any of my art for more than a decade because I've dedicated myself to the business (Christmas cards don't really count, but at least I've had those to create). I also live with a person who is highly critical of me but refuses to see his own shortcomings which infringe upon my mental and physical space. It's a conundrum. But, I'll ask her about it anyway. It couldn't hurt. 

I find it annoying that when I attempt to find an 
illustration for "housecleaning" it's always with 
dusters, vacuums and brooms. I need to houseclean 
by putting things away - physically moving things 
from where they currently are, to where they should 
belong. Very different than dusting (which probably 
also needs to be done). 

Speaking of housecleaning, that's my job for today. I don't need to cook anything, and my grocery shopping will be minimal. I'll wash the car, but that's pretty fast and easy. So that will allow me plenty of time to start cleaning the den and making it clear for the new treadmill. I still don't have a delivery date, but we'll get there (hopefully before the snows fall since they won't be able to get the box through the house interior, but will have to go around the exterior to the lower level entry door). 

Today will be one of those days with a little bit of this 
and a little bit of that. I'm hoping, by the end of the day, 
that there will have been a serious improvement in the 
mess in my den/exercise room. 

So, that's what I've got on my mind today. I have a little bit of this and that, a couple of bills to pay, and something to complete for the County Assessor (sigh), but it should be a rather uneventful day, leaving me LOTS of time to clean, clean and clean. Have an excellent Friday and I'll be back for my final post of the week tomorrow. OH ... and if you have any opportunity to vote for my story, I'd sure appreciate it. The link is here, and I hope I survive the vote to write again. We'll be eliminating two this week, and I'm usually in the lower vote part of each week. So ... I'm a little nervous about this week. 

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