Friday, August 2, 2024

Please Vote for My Current Story and the Olympics, of Course

Happy Friday to all! It's my "day off" today, and I have a LOT of computer work to get done. But if it turns into a really nice day, I might spend a bit of time in the garden as well. I have peppers in the dehydrator that need to be removed from there and crushed for future use, and I have a house that DESPERATELY needs a deep clean. Well, THAT's not going to happen, but I might get to washing a few floors and a serious vacuum in the living room. I don't know if I can do much more than that, though. Call me uninspired for indoor work today (unless it's computer work). 

My house needs some serious cleaning. I need to wash a 
couple of floors and start dusting. Dust seems to find me, 
no matter how much I try to tell it to stay outdoors - LOL. 

Speaking of computer work, my latest story is completed and the voting is open once again to all. I'd VERY MUCH appreciate it if you read it, and if you consider it worthy, if you voted for it. I'm always up against some stiff competition in this group of writers, and every vote that keeps me in the competition for another week is worthwhile to me. 

I'd very much love for you to read my current story and, 
if you think it has merit, to vote for it. I'm having a lot 
of fun in this friendly competition this time, and I think 
this week's story is a bit of a mind kicker. LOL 

As a reminder: Our overarching GURU of writing (the dude who runs the competition) offers the following to all of you: Just as a reminder that anyone with a DW/Open ID (which includes LJ) is able to vote. If you don't have a DW account, you can click on the "Open iD" option on the Log In page. . So, just in case you forgot how to get to DW to vote (even if you're not a DW member), follow those instructions and you should be fine. Or, if you just want the link for this week's vote, here's the link for that:

Here's one of my favorite places in Colorado - Rocky Mountain 
National Park. This could easily be the backdrop for this 
week's story, if the area was a bit less highly traveled and 
visited. Still, you get the pine trees and the golden Aspen 
trees, so it's reflective of "home" to me in many ways.  

I seem to have hit a lot of people with this story. It's innocuous, but incredibly creepy too. Aside from writing to all of you six days a week, DH and I have been embroiled in the Olympics, switching from channel to channel to watch everything we can. We've got three channels on our rotation here, and there's always on-line if we want something that isn't listed. Thank goodness for Peacock. I have to remember to check out the trampoline. They rarely/never show it on standard TV, but it's incredible to watch. 

Are you aware that trampoline is an event in the 
Olympic games? At least it was one or two Olympics 
ago and I happened upon it and was amazed and 
enthralled. These people are GUTSY! They get such 
amazing height for their elements - twisting and turning 
before rebounding again. I'm hoping it wasn't just an 
exhibition event and that I can find it on Peacock. I'd 
love to watch it again. 

So, I'm wrapping this up. I hope you read my story on Dreamwidth and if you think it's good - that it kept you entertained, please vote. The theme for this was "Uncanny Valley", and I think I met all of the parameters - LOL. Enjoy your Friday and I'll be back tomorrow to wrap up the week. Slava Ukraini. 

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