Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Just A Few Days Until the Fair - Please VOTE for My Story This Week!

I'm going to start by asking for your votes for this week's writing contest. We're losing THREE people this week, and will probably be switching our format a bit starting next week when we're down to a certain number of people. I wrote a Haiku this week (https://erulissedances.dreamwidth.org/1053043.html) and the voting is here: https://www.dreamwidth.org/poll/?id=31785. Your vote would be VERY appreciated. 

LJ Idol - we're getting less and less in numbers, we had two 
writers drop out this week before the writing even started. 
We're losing THREE authors this week - the three lowest 
in votes. Votes are SO important, but this group is so very 
talented, it's tough to stand out. We'll see where I stand when 
voting is closed and counted. 

As for reading ... I highly recommend Rayaso's entry. He's been outstanding this season and the character(s) he's developed through this season are wonderful. We all want to read the next installment of his tale, and I suspect he'll end up winning this season. 

Plans and timelines., I have a lot of these for 
various goals and aspirations, many of which 
run right into dead ends. *sigh* The timelines 
for Sharon's visit, however, allow us to have maximum 
time at the Fair, lots of time to chat and catch up, 
and some down time too. We/re not getting younger, 
after all - LOL. 

I'm caught up in plans and timelines. Sharon arrives on Thursday night, we'll go eat at my local Red Lobster which is still open, despite a major shut-down elsewhere in the Twin Cities. Friday morning we'll be ready and waiting for our bus to the Fair, with dinner at Lindy's Steakhouse (a favorite of mine, although DH was VERY disappointed with his meat the last time we went there). Saturday we'll be at the Fair and DH will join us after work, so we'll be grabbing food from there, and Sunday will be at the Fair with DH and Chickie. Monday is the Renaissance Festival for Labor Day. We usually have Olive Garden for dinner on Monday night, and I drop Sharon at the airport early on Tuesday. She gets a few days to recover at home, and I jump right back into my life as a shop owner. I'm VERY much looking forward to NOT seeing my shop for a few days. LOL

It's a crazy schedule for two old ladies to have, but I thrive 
on it, and we get exercise that we probably both really 
need. We're not averse to sitting down here and there at the 
Fair - we know all the good places to sit, and are perfectly 
comfortable people watching - LOL. 

I usually don't post while I'm at the Fair, however. So you'll get today, Wednesday and Thursday's post, but then I'm on radio silence until after Sharon has returned home. Doing my blog while doing the State Fair is quite difficult - not impossible, I've done short posts in the past - just difficult. So, I'm wrapping this up and heading to the pool. It's the final week outdoors, and I an taking full advantage of it. Have an excellent Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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