Monday, August 26, 2024

Entering Countdown Week - It's a Busy One and DH is Being ... Well, He's Being DH

It's countdown week and I'm starting it out with an appointment at the dentist for my semi-annual clean and check. It's a standard appointment - I make them in advance - sometimes a LOT in advance. I always write them down on the store calendar, because it's always all three of us in a row - me, followed by DH, followed by Chickie. My dentist is awesome, the cleaner, Al, is also awesome, and I won't go to anyone else. 

Dr Bernie and Dr Phan are fabulous people. When Dr B 
retires (which he's bound to do one of these days), I'll 
switch over to Dr Phan without any difficulty. She's done 
some emergency work with me over the past few years and 
she's been magnificent. As someone who's a total dental 
phobic, it's always a relief to find someone who's good and 
understands my issues. 

Apparently DH never looks at the calendar that's directly above the computer screen, where he spends 40% of his time. Apparently, although the appointment has been on there for months, he never bothered to put it into his own calendar. So, when I mentioned that he had Al tomorrow morning (today) at 8:30 am, he blew up. What had been a very nice day devolved into another argument and another crap ending. Not unfamiliar territory, but I'm getting tired of the scenery. 

I'm getting really tired of the mood swings of hubby. It's 
tiresome and distracting and upsetting. I'm sure there's more 
to it than just being upset at me - I'm just a convenient 
target. He's not a physically abusive guy, but he's abusive 
in some ways nonetheless. *sigh*

But, I filled out and submitted the forms he needed to fill out for him (couldn't do mine, for some reason mine didn't come through and I'll have to do those quickly in-house just before my appointment). But, it's just typical of the way my days have gone lately. 

I actually got a post together for LJ Idol. I'll link to it 
tomorrow for votes, and I do hope that I'll merit your 
vote to keep me in this competition for another week or more. 

That's why I'm surprised that I even got an entry written for the current round of LJ Idol. The theme was "hikikomori" which is something I had never heard of before. Apparently, it's a thing! Who knew. But I was stymied and almost ready to take a "Bye" week, when I settled down at the computer and composed a four-stanza haiku. I don't work in haiku often, but it's a favorite type of poetry for me, and these just clicked together like Lego blocks. 

Isn't this a stunning image? It's absolutely perfect 
for "on the bubble". Now ... if I only WASN'T 
on the bubble ... LOL. Hopefully my short entry this week 
won't doom me. 

I hope you enjoy this week's entry and I'll post for votes when I can. EVERY VOTE COUNTS. I was on the bubble for last week, and if one writer hadn't pulled out, I would have been involved in a "write-off". That's uncomfortable ground. I'm hoping to pull through to another week, although this time I really MIGHT take a bye since Sharon will be here and we'll be spending our time at the State Fair, not at my computers. Anyway ... life goes on, que sera sera. . I'm off and running on a very busy Monday. Talk to you tomorrow. Slave Ukraini. 

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