Wednesday, August 28, 2024

After Tomorrow's Post, I'll Be At the Fair For a Few Days

Sharon arrives tomorrow, so today my schedule is cleaning the main floor of the house, making my food for next week (she leaves on Tuesday) and making sure that everything is ready for her visit. In some ways I'm ahead on cleaning, in others ... well, not so much. A good dusting would probably be a good idea in my living room - LOL. But it will be what it is. I'm not going to go totally crazy here. I have peppers to harvest, and I have a LARGE zucchini that needs to be harvested and cooked. It'll provide my meals for after Sharon leaves. 

I have one large zuccini that I'll be harvesting today. I need 
to get that stuffed and baked so that I'm not wasting it. I didn't 
have very good luck with my zukes this year, but I've enjoyed 
what I've done. This one is a bit large, so baking it seems the 
best idea. 

Of course, DH has been taking over both my side of the refrigerator, and now my small part of the freezer. GRRRRR He has problems with border maintenance - rather like Putin. I'm getting quite disgusted with him and quite angry. He can't resist a sale on items he actually does eat. But I need room for my food as well, and that seems to be a forgotten thing. Right now, DH can't fit a single box into his side of the freezer any more. I'm NOT giving him permission to take my space - it's needed. 

I have to keep my side of the refrigerator and freezer 
firm. I cook (a lot) and I need that space, despite 
the fact that since I have Sharon visiting, it's not 
as filled as usual. He'll take over any unfilled 
space - rather like fungus. *sigh* 

So, the war of the person who buys for the Apocalypse vs the person who buys for the week ahead only continues. Do you have/know people like DH? - People who can't resist a good sale on items that we use ... but don't need at that time? It might come back to lock-down a few years ago when we stocked up on toilet paper, etc because it was in short supply. The supply lines seem to be working well once again, but DH is still buying like there's no stock tomorrow. 

As I mentioned yesterday, voting is open for stories 
in this round of LJ Idol. I'd appreciate your vote if 
you think my haiku poem merits it. There are a lot 
of excellent stories out there, just please, don't vote 
for all of them. That rather defeats the purpose of a 
vote, you know? LOL 
URL/link was in yesterday's post.

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, my latest story is up and I'm asking for you to take a look (it's quick - I used poetry this week - haiku). If you liked it, please vote for me. This is a competition - a vote for me helps me stay alive for another week. A vote for everyone accomplishes exactly nothing. There are some excellent stories out there - but pick and choose carefully for which ones you'll cast your votes. Fairly soon we'll be switching formats a bit, but I've really only done this once before, (maybe twice before). I'm not experienced, like others on the list. 

Not a photo from this year, but this is the main East gate 
to the Fairgrounds. I used to live one block away from this 
entrance, so we'd pop over any time we wanted to grab 
some food or just wander for an hour or two. It's more expensive 
now, and we live a few miles farther away, but the magic 
is still there. That State Fair magic that I can't resist. 

Anyway, tomorrow I'll post, but then I'll be on State Fair Silence until next Wednesday - a LONG time for me to be silent. I'll be at the State Fair for three days, and the Renaissance Festival for one day, before I return Sharon to her airplane home so that she can rejoin her sister and her cats. LOL. Have an excellent day, I'm off to the pool and I'll be back tomorrow. Please read, please vote if you like my haiku. Slava Ukraini. 

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