Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I'm Not Happy With My Writing, Although (Thanks To Your Votes) I'm Holding My Own

I'm going to have to work at writing on a more entertaining level. Not that I'm writing poorly, I think I'll survive the vote to write another week. But I'm writing in a lecture/preach manner which I don't like in myself. The points I'm stating are valid and well-expressed, but it's not a "gripping" storyline or a wonderful new world. It's our world - solidly planted in reality - and sometimes that reality isn't really what people reach for on a library shelf. 

We keep trying to reach for a reality that we 
want to live in. Is that book really the right 
one for everyone? 

But I'm not a fantastical writer either. I don't have different world views or entirely different dimensions crowding my head, begging for release. Even in tales I've imagined on Earth 2 or Earth 12, my stories are still planted in the reality gripped by the circumstances of that alternative earth. But isn't that also important? Doesn't that new world also have physical boundaries and natures that will cause the inhabitants to make adjustments for the sake of staying alive? 

I've always enjoyed fiction, fantasy and science 
fiction. But I tend to write from a basis of reality. 
Maybe I should put more fantasy into my stories, 
and veer away from the firm earth below our feet. 

If the new world is like Rappaccini's garden, wouldn't we all have to develop a genetic modification that would allow us to wander among the poisonous plants without harm to ourselves? That's reality - a poison world would leave immense death behind it, but there would be survivors, or those who didn't immediately succumb. Those, then, would be the foundations of the new population - one that could tolerate, and even in some cases celebrate, their environment. 

I seem to be very earthbound in my writings so far this 
time for LJ Idol. I'm sounding "preachy" to my own ears 
this time. I'll have to start to crack out of that. I've never 
been a speculative fiction author, but it would be fun to 
go off on a wider tangent. 

There are times when I feel that our own world is rather like this. When wars happen, when people look at the differences instead of the similarities. When political viewpoints, false leaders and warped viewpoints begin to take center stage, we've then created our own poisons. What do we do then? If we're lucky, we can wait for the next wave to come and knock the old society down, or shift its' direction. If we're unlucky we move from Stalin to Putin - not much of an improvement there. 

People who get their props by pulling others down and 
climbing over the bodies aren't people I want to know or 
encourage. Right now this world has far too many people 
like this in positions of political power. It makes for an 
extremely dangerous world. I want a kinder, more 
understanding leadership. No steamrolling, please. 

So, here I am being preachy once again. But I don't filter my thoughts for my blog - it is always off the top of my head, written in the early hours of the morning, and presented, fresh from the keyboard, into the greater world. I'm curious about what you think. Can this world manage to make it back from the poison it's becoming? Will people look for the good in others instead of focusing on the differences and intensifying the hatred? I'd like to think so. Tell me what you think - share something good with me today. I think we all need some good in our lives on this Wednesday in this world. Slava Ukraini. 

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