Tuesday, July 16, 2024

This and That and a Little Politics (But VERY Little)

We still need to get the fence painted on our side of the fence. DH will be working on that over the next few days. He'll power wash the fence today (hoping that we won't have any thunderstorms between now and Thursday), and then on Thursday, he'll be out there early in the morning painting our side. He'll do the gate last (I guess that's more brush work and more time consuming) because he has to meet with our various "ditch guys". 

The Rice Creek Watershed District actually 
stretches across the Cities from the far South 
into the far North. We're in the Northern 
portion, and the goal is to get less shade 
and more sun. Our little area is quite 
inaccessible, however, so it will be very 
interesting to see what the engineers have 
to say. Ideally they'd love to pull trees, but 
on our property, that's a very hard thing to 
accomplish, so they may just have to top 
the trees instead. 

The "ditch guys" are the various engineers that the City/State/County have assigned to our drainage ditch. Our property abuts against this "ditch" on the East side. It's actually quite beautiful, but it's also a bit overgrown. We're meeting with them to make sure that they don't remove any trees that are actually past our property line, and get a better feel for the clearing that they are doing. They're trying to get more sunshine into the ditch to get different growth. I don't think they'll be removing any trees, but it's hard to say. I'm sure if the property was a bit more accessible (the banks are VERY steep), they would pull trees for sure. But with our geography, it might be horribly difficult. They're due here for a walk-through with DH on Thursday afternoon at 2:00 pm, so he has to be finished with the fence painting by then, or at a good place to stop. 

I have fond memories of Milwaukee. My annual Bead & 
Button Conventions were held in the large convention 
center directly across the street from the basketball 
arena where the Convention is being held. I know that 
area VERY well. I miss the Bead & Button Show, but 
I'm REALLY GLAD I'm nowhere near this dog 
and pony show. 

I listened to some of the Republican National Convention yesterday - couldn't tolerate actually watching it, and I was quite busy with customers, etc in the store. But, it seemed like the usual platitudes and rah-rah that you expect at a nomination convention. I remember some land breaking conventions in the past, however. I don't think this one will be anything of the sort. It's rather written in stone. It'll be Trump (megalomaniac and self-centered in all respects) vs Biden (seriously memory impaired and getting worse every day). *sigh* Rock ... meet hard place! We're totally damned if we do and damned if we don't. 

I received my package of three of these 
portable LED-powered fans yesterday. 
They're going to be wonderful at my desk 
at the shop, as well as at home. Just 
grab it and take it with me for those hot 

I received an order I placed for three little fans yesterday. I'm looking forward to these. They're rechargeable, so very easy to place wherever I want them. I'm leaving one at the shop, and I brought the other two home. Space is a premium at home, and these are tall, but very narrow. I think I'll like them. 

There's nothing much better than waking up with a lovely 
swim in the outdoor pool. Yippee! 

So I'm off to the pool. I can't wait to get into the water and concentrate on something OTHER than politics. What a mess! At least I got a good night's sleep last night, opposed to the three fitful hours I got the night before. Have an excellent Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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