Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Fence, The Ditch and A Vote - A Busy Thursday

Today is a busy day for DH. He's spray painting the front side of our fence with water proofing, and he also is meeting with the County "Ditch" guys about our Eastern border - the ditch and stream and undergrowth and trees - lots and lots of trees. So he'll be a busy, busy boy today and (hopefully) exhausted and able to get a good night's sleep tonight. 

DH will be spray painting sealant on our side of the fence 
today. He said that he splashed some water on the other 
side to check how it reacted, and the water beaded up, so he 
was happy. That's what's supposed to happen once the sealant
 has been applied. Thank goodness we won't have to 
repeat this for another ten years. What a chore! 

Yesterday's "day off" didn't require any real cooking, so I did some housecleaning instead. I was determined to work on my corner in the computer room. It's getting a bit out of hand. I actually didn't accomplish a lot in that corner, but I did tackle my closet.  I tossed a bag of clothing away - simply not good enough even for Goodwill. I also found three VERY nice shirts I had purchased years ago. They were still in their original packaging. All "Large" and I'm wearing "Small", so definitely NOT for me. I'll think a bit about where to bring them. I could bring them to the Y with me - I know they'll find a good home there. I could give them to Goodwill ... maybe I'll post them to my blog later this week and send them to whomever requests them. That might work. We'll see what happens. Right now they're out of my closet. I'll figure out their next home within a day or two. 

I love handbags, I have a lot (these AREN'T mine), 
and I keep them on my upper closet shelving. However, 
looking through them, I'm out of control on these and 
have to cull them down. 

I realized, looking at my closet, that I'm a total handbag fiend. My Mom loved them - but she was really good about keeping her "collections" under control. I'm going to have to do a serious cull of my handbags, and I have some exceptional ones. But I rarely carry one. I use pockets whenever possible. *sigh* It's a dilemma ... I will get this one figured out, though, and at least I did manage to get my closet slightly cleaner. It's got a ways to go, but it's a start. 

I'd appreciate your vote. At this point, anyone 
can vote for a story. Later the voting will be 
restricted to participants only, but I have to stay 
in this longer than three stories! LOL Your 
vote is important, and very appreciated. 

Voting for my story on LJ Idol closes in late afternoon. I'd very much appreciate a read and a vote if you feel my story has merit. I write under Erulisse. My entry can be found here:, and the voting is going on here: Thanks for reading and voting, and have a great Thursday. I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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