Friday, July 19, 2024

LJ Idol - Thanks SO Much For Your Votes - and An Amazon Shopping Spree (Within Reason)

 I'm trying to get this done quickly, because of several things that got me totally off schedule today. 

Thanks to EVERYONE who was kind enough to read 
and vote for my story about my childhood in Aspen, 
Colorado. I ended up tied for second place this 
week - the highest placement I've EVER had in this 
competition. I'm SO grateful for your reading and 
your votes. 

First of all, THANKS to all of you who voted for my story about my childhood in Aspen, Colorado in LJ Idol. I ended up with 21 votes, tied for second place this week. I'm amazed and grateful and so very thankful that all of you enjoyed that writing enough to put in a vote for it. 

This is the third electric scale I've ordered since 
I started WildFit during COVID. I guess I go 
through them rather quickly. I like this one 
because it's no nonsense. It doesn't have every 
bell and whistle, but I don't want that. All I want
 is my daily weight - something I've been taking 
since I was 12 years old. 

Second, I got tied up on Amazon for a little while. My electronic bathroom scale died this morning. I put in new batteries, but no. It was truly DOA. So, I quickly went on to order a new replacement - I don't need all of the fancy bells and whistles, just an accurate measurement of my weight. I ordered another one of the exact model I'd just had. It wasn't expensive, and did what I needed. 

I ordered this small 4" knife - it's a size that I use 
a lot. And I also ordered a 5.5" version of the 
same brand. That will give me three decent 
knives to use in my cooking. I'm pleased. 

While I was on there, I quickly searched out two smaller chef knives of the same manufacturer as the large one I purchased maybe six months ago. I really have enjoyed that large knife - it holds its' edge beautifully, and cuts like a dream. After dealing with crap knives for decades, it was like heaven. But I wanted a shorter blade, and then one closer to a paring knife, so I added those onto my cart. Then I also added a new rolling pin onto the mess. A straight, metal one with thickness disks (that are optional) for when I need them, and it comes with a silicone rolling mat. I'll be much happier with this one than my old wooden one. 

I finally decided on this rolling pin. A straight metal one, 
with spacing rings and a silicone pastry mat. I thought 
I'd get the most use from it, and because it is stainless 
steel, it will be easy to keep clean, and it can be easily 
chilled if needed. 

And, my new dehydrator arrived at the shop yesterday. I'll be cleaning out the cupboard where I'm going to store it today, and also starting to dry the herbs that simply wouldn't dry properly in my smaller dehydrator. I really liked my mini dehydrator, but it seemed to be happiest when working at a medium temperature and above. I don't just do meats and fruits. Herbs must be dried at the lowest setting to dry appropriately, and I don't want to waste all of these gorgeous herbs DH bought for me to grow. 

This is a novel - that said, it's well 
presented and well researched, and it 
has a kick to it. I recommend it, but it's 
definitely not for everyone. I'm adding 
it to my WWII collection of historical 
books and fictional writings. 

So, I had a $100 spending spree at Amazon this morning - shame on me. But, my day is actually starting out really well (except for the broken bathroom scale). I've got no complaints. I'm reading a book called "The Things We Cannot Say" by Kelly Rimmer. I recommend it to you - it's a novel, but based in straight fact, and although it's an easy read, it's hard because of the subject matter, so I'm reading it little bit by little bit. Check it out for yourself and see if you're interested. That's it for today. I need some hot tea! LOL Have an excellent Friday and I'll  be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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