Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Modems, Tablets and Rain

I'm not sure if I mentioned that our modem at the shop died over the weekend, but it made Saturday sales difficult - we had to phone in each transaction for an approval code, and we weren't able to batch the charges for the day out at the end of the day. I purchased a new modem on Monday morning but I couldn't connect it properly - we didn't have the correct type of connection. Frustrated, I phoned Comcast/Xfinity - they handle my internet for me. After going through several people, I finally managed to get a tech scheduled to come by in the early afternoon. 

Although I had to go through a few people to 
get what I needed, once I did, I was back up 
and running within two hours of my call. In this 
day and age, that's great customer service. 

The tech actually arrived around 11:00 am. I explained the situation, showed him what I had purchased knowing that I would be returning it to the office supply store on my way home last night. He took a look at our set-up, said "You don't need this, this doesn't work either, and yeah - we can get you fixed up here without all of these extra things." Yippee! 

It's a pleasure having 5G at the shop. I'll need to 
get home upgraded soon too, but I can wait on 
that for a bit longer. The tech was very professional, 
had us up and running very quickly, and I'm loving 
the new set-up. 

He was good for his word. Within a half-hour, I had my internet back - not only 2.5G, but also 5G. Everything was reconnected, and I was able to use my charge terminals without problems. And, since I'm a customer, and it was a legitimate service call, there was no charge! SCORE! I'm totally relieved. I got my phone hooked up with the new server without problems, and DH (after some grumbling) also did. Chickie will have to get herself connected when she comes into work today, but that shouldn't be a problem for her. I have a small pile of electronics to toss (well ... to take to the electronics recycling plant on Friday along with a few other items I've accumulated). I returned the new modem I had purchased on my way home last night, and we should be set. 

DH spent most of the day in the back watching some 
episodes of a TV show he's addicted to on his tablet. 
I think I need a tablet of my own. It's how I used 
to be able to watch Le Tour de France, but if he's using 
it now, I can't do that. *sigh* I'm WAY behind on 
my Tour de France this year. 

It's raining, but the rain is supposed to be stopping before 5:00 am when the swimming pool opens. I'm hoping it will. Although I don't mind swimming in the rain, I do find it more comfortable if I don't have raindrops falling on my head. LOL "What difference?" you might ask. "You're in the water, so why be bothered about light rain?" True, that. I'm in the water, but being in the water and getting showered by raindrops at the same time is a very different feeling. I like to zone out when I swim - immerse myself in my laps and whatever book I'm listening to. It's hard to do that when you're being pelted by raindrops. But, rain or not, as long as there's no lightning, we'll be swimming outdoors. Have an excellent Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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