Saturday, July 6, 2024

Le Sigh - Computers, Food and the Weekend

Wow! Maybe I shouldn't be allowed to touch a computer today because I'm having ALL kinds of issues. *sigh* But, the most important thing is that I have the ability to write my daily blog, so if this posts, I'll be happy (until I get to the shop and fight with the laptop - LOL). 

It's as if my printer at home only loves my desktop 
computer, and my printer at the shop only loves 
my laptop. *sigh* So silly! 

Yesterday, my third day off in a row, was absolutely delightful. Because of the July 4 holiday, my third swim of the week got pushed off to Friday instead of Thursday. That turned out to be fabulous. Apparently a lot of people were either sleeping in, out of town, or exhausted from visits and traveling. There weren't very many of us in the pool, and I had a lane to myself for most of my hour. Heaven! 

The recipe I base my roasted pears on actually calls for 
roasting 1/2 pears. I cut mine up, however, mix them with 
maple syrup, nuts and pumpkin pie seasoning, add any other 
fruits I feel like having (like my dried cranberries), and then 
roast the whole thing. It allows for the eight pears to 
spread into 10-12 containers, and it tastes fabulous! 

I got my grocery shopping done, cooked my next batch of roasted pears, and filled up my refrigerator once again. I also made my "Ogre Juice" for the upcoming week. I didn't get to cooking my cauliflower soup, but maybe I can do that quickly over the weekend. Maybe. No guarantees. But all-in-all, between kitchen and computer work (and harvesting some peas and peppers from the garden), it was an excellent day. 

*sigh* The laptop hates my home printer, so I'll have to 
fill out and print this governmental tax form at the 
shop instead of at home. Oh well, I have options, at least - LOL. 

Today started out a little rocky, however. I needed to fill out and print out a governmental form, and my desktop computer wasn't cooperating, and my laptop doesn't talk with my home printer. So, I'll have to do that first thing in the morning today at the shop where my laptop loves chatting with my new printer. It's as bad as children pouting in separate corners - LOL. 

Have a fabulous weekend, one and all. I'll be back to 
bug you once again on Monday - LOL. *hugs* all around! 

So, I'm going to keep this short and get moving on my day. I have a lot to do, and I'm already running late at 6:18 am! Oy!!! LOL I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back on Monday morning - hopefully with all of my electronics talking with each other once again *sigh*. LOL


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