Saturday, July 13, 2024

After a HOT Day in Painting Hell, One Side is Complete

So, one side of the fence is done. DH started at approx 10:35 am, and ended at 4:28 pm. It was a miserably HOT day, 90+ degrees at the apex, and he says it's really a 2-person job because of the paint bucket and the sprayer mechanism, etc. Apparently he fastened the sprayer back together again at least two times where he didn't do it properly and ended up making a mess, and he still had to do brushwork on the lattice at the top. He's got the other side to do now, but that's on our side and if we need to do it in pieces, we have that ability. I wanted to get Laura and Fahkri's side done ASAP so that we wouldn't be intruding onto their property any more than necessary. 

This was the fence on June 25, just after it was 
erected. Way in the end there, almost past 
where you can see, is Bob's corner. That damned 
corner where the two fences overlap for a short 
bit, is a total PITA to paint - brush or spray, 
it's just too close to get there easily. 

He pretty much worked nonstop for the entire span, thinking that he wouldn't get it finished until 6:30 pm or later. Fortunately he finished up earlier than that, but he was exhausted. He requested that I get him two different things from Dairy Queen, so as soon as I dropped off my laptop and shop stuff, I headed back out and brought back sugary frozen things for him to drink. He also had soup for dinner, so that helped to replenish his liquids a bit. He said he would NEVER do this again, though. That he would pay someone to come out and paint it, cost be damned. Lesson learned - LOL. 

I'm fully in favor of hiring someone to spray paint (or 
brush paint - probably a combination of the two) our 
fence next time. It's a ridiculous amount of work. But DH 
was determined that he could do it. Lesson learned. 

I haven't had a chance to pop over and take a look yet, I might not until a few days have gone by. But I'll look at some point. Bob's Corner was where he started, and that was a total PITA (which I thought probably would be the case). Bob's chain link fence and our wooden one overlap by about 2-3 feet, and they're VERY close to each other, maybe three inches between them. Getting the fence painted behind the chain link was extremely difficult and he was texting me about how impossible it was for over an hour - on just this little piece of fence. Fortunately things went a bit smoother from that point, but yeah. It's a long span of fence, and I think hiring someone the next time will be a great idea. Of course in 10 years we'll be 80, so who knows if we'll still be able to live in our home. 

He was SO grateful when he hit the gate - knowing he had the 
larger section done. Of course, he still had quite a bit of fence 
left to do, but the end was in sight. Corners, it seems, are 
the worst, however. It took him over an hour to do the 
final panel. 

So, I'm off to the shop. Today will be another hot day, and at least I have A/C at the shop. The house can get like an oven (especially on the top level) during these days. I'd probably better start putting my mini chiller filters into the freezer again for my mini A/C that I put next to my bed. Sometimes just my fan won't quite be enough (although last night was the first time I've turned my fan on). Back to writing my next entry into LJ Idol. It's finally coming clear, and that's good because I have to submit it no later than late today. I'll let you know when you can read and vote, and as always, I appreciate your votes more than you can ever know. Have an excellent weekend and I'll be back on Monday (although I might pop in here for a quick LJ Idol update if needed). Slava Ukraini. 

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