Friday, July 12, 2024

It's a Fence Day - No Day Off

We're getting a span of several days without rain, so DH is trying to take advantage of it. Now, I thought he would dive right in with the spray painter and get the fence done, starting yesterday. Of course not. He decided he needed to pressure wash the entire fence first - something that could easily have been done earlier in the week to allow for a proper dry time. But no - he pulled the big pressure washer from the shed and pressure washed both sides of the fence. Then complained about how it might not be dry enough by today to apply the stain/finish coat. *sigh* 

I thought I'd share a photo of my kitchen 
window area with all of you today. Why not? 
We're probably all tired of looking at stock 
photos of the fence - LOL. Here you have 
my yellow sink - original from 1960, and above, 
from L-R, my immortal philodendron (which is 
doing VERY well this year). Above it to the 
right, a clear rainbow-shimmered glass orb 
that my oldest niece gave me as a holiday gift 
more than 20 years ago. To the right is my owl 
teakettle - the matching oriental cups are in 
the cupboard to the right. Following the up in 
the teapot spout, you can see my kitchen dragon - 
handblown glass of crystal and blue. Two potholders 
(one on each side) and my Chinese cleaver complete 
this small area. I spend a LOT of time here - LOL. 

He thought he should put a heavy coat on, but the directions said "thin coat". He doubted himself so much on that, he had me go down and read the side of the 5-gallon bucket of sealant. Which I did, and yes, it said "Thin Coat". So he's grumbling, but he'll do it. I'm hoping that the South side (Laura and Fakhri's side) will be dry enough for painting. Our side I don't care as much about. We have time to sandwich in painting on our side when the weather permits and the fence is completely dry. With our humidity, dry is always a relative term in the summer months. 

Of course the big pressure washer has a lot more power than 
my little one that I've been using on the house. But it also 
managed to trip a fuse in the fusebox - LOL. It's bulky 
and even though it's on wheels, it's a lot harder to handle. 
I'll stick with my more portable sprayer sticks at this point. 

Now .... not to berate DH, but ... if I had known he was going to want the fence pressure washed before he painted, I could have done that for him a week or more ago so that it had plenty of time to dry. But no ... he never mentioned it at all. So when he was sighing and moaning about doing the fence yesterday morning on a bright and beautifully sunny day, I thought he would be diving right in with the sprayer and getting the coating done. Apparently not. Once again common sense had nothing to do with it. So, I'm working at the shop today and DH is tackling the sealant, South-facing side first, then the opposite side if he's got time and it's somewhat dry. I have a feeling I'll be calling a paint company to redo the fence in another ten years (maybe less). 

It does seem that in general, mankind simply doesn't WANT to 
get along with others. If there isn't a war going on, they'll do 
whatever is necessary to start one. I really don't understand 
that - but I can't argue with it. It seems to be the case, at 
least throughout my years on this planet. 

Still, life goes onward and I'm alive for another wonderful day in this world. It's a crazy world - not even counting politics. Mankind is a warlike species - we don't seek peaceful resolutions; we automatically strike out and then wonder why everyone else is upset with us. It works that way in families, congregations, governmental bodies and international relations. It might be a crazy world, but it's also a world of beauty and compassion. Please don't lose sight of that beauty as you struggle with the bureaucracy and politics of our day-to-day life. Keep the love going. I'll be back tomorrow to wrap up the week. Slava Ukraini. 

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