Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Delivery, A Story and the Election - So Many Things Going On!

Back to the pool today, hurrah! In the saga of my package ... I did tell you about my package, did I not? I ordered a couple of items from Amazon. My delivery hours are CLEARLY stated on the page that is given to the delivery driver - standard business hours, Monday through Saturday ONLY. The driver was quite incensed that I refused to drive out to the shop late Sunday night to pick up my package. No! Deliver it during stated open hours! 

I never have problems receiving my Amazon shipments, but 
I've got a delivery driver from Hell this time, and he's as 
stupid as a felled log. *sigh*

I was expecting it to be redelivered yesterday, and found a notification that the driver was collecting the shipments for delivery at 3:30 pm, which made it doubtful that he/she would arrive before we closed at 5:45 pm. So ... I contacted Amazon directly and talked to their customer service people, who agreed that the hours were clearly posted and available for the driver, and that the driver was in the wrong. Contrary to my norm, I put in a formal complaint against the driver. This was POOR service, to say the least. I'm hopeful that I might get my package today. Maybe. *sigh* 

I'm hopeful, at least, although it's looking like I won't 
actually get my package until today. Still, I can deal 
with today if it actually occurs! 

So I'm off to the pool to work off some of the stress that Amazon has caused me. Ugh. I ordered a fair amount of things from them and have never had this issue before. Since it included one item I truly need, having this long delay is NOT making me happy. I'll leave my frustration in the swimming pool. 

I posted my story in LJ Idol yesterday. It's an open 
letter to my Hubby - I'm unsure if I'll actually let 
him read it or not. But, that's what occurred to me 
with the theme, so that's what I went with. 

I posted my latest story in the Last One Standing competition yesterday, and I hope you had a chance to read it (if you're interested in doing so). I'm pleased with my efforts on the theme of "Without You". I posted links yesterday, and I'd love your comments and, when the voting opens, your votes. As I recall, all stories had to be posted no later than today, so voting will probably start tomorrow. But, I write for all of you, so your comments are more important than your votes (although BOTH are very appreciated). I'll let you know when the voting begins. 

 I heard her talk to a group of people yesterday, and she's 
good. Really good. We've got a chance with her. She's 
sharp, witty, quick to respond, and thoughtful. I'm suddenly 
looking forward to the campaign and the election. 

And Kamala - what a wonderful speaker. I really hope some idiots out there get past the fact that she's a woman and just concentrate on the good that she can accomplish as a leader of this nation. If you're a Trump voter, that's OK, just ... well, I'm NOT a Trump supporter - never and ever! I don't speak about politics, but I think it's wonderful that in all the years of other nations electing women into the highest position in the land, we've never done so. It's our opportunity now, and I'm hoping we'll succeed. Now to find some Kamala merchandise to purchase. LOL Have an excellent Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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