Monday, July 22, 2024

May You Live in Interesting Times - Can We Go Back to Boring?

So I declare the new dehydrator a success, but I really don't want to sell or donate the tabletop grill. I did a bit of research and they're reselling for $125 and up, so it's got some value, and I had really enjoyed it when I had a good kitchen in which to use it. So I've decided that I'll wrap it up well, and put it into the downstairs storage room. It'll be out of the way, but if I ever decide I want it, or I want to post it and sell it (which is a distinct possibility), I'll have it available to box and ship. 

I always loved this little tabletop rotisserie. It did 
a great job on Cornish Game Hens, and it grilled 
steaks well also. But it could be a hazard if it wasn't 
in a good location, and I really don't have a good spot 
for it in my current kitchen. 

Sunday was relaxing - not because we had planned it that way. Mother Nature stepped in and gave us torrential thunderstorms in the morning, enough clearing in the early afternoon to harvest and look at the garden, and then more weather in the evening. It was not one of those days to enjoy sitting in the back yard, so we played computer games, watched the kerfluffle about Biden's pulling out of the presidential race in favor of Kamala Harris, and listened to DH complain that it should have been a more open choice. Me? I seriously love Kamala, and she's strong enough to face off against Trump. Some people will be stupid and not vote for her because she's a woman, but those of us who actually open our eyes know that females are the stronger species. You don't want to anger a male lion, but you REALLY don't want to anger a female lion with cubs. Nope ... not going there at ALL. LOL

I like Biden a lot, but he's rather like I'm becoming - a 
bit forgetful. It's frustrating because I grasp for a word 
and I'm just not finding it (rarely, but it does happen). 
I know both Biden and Trump have this issue now 
and again, but with Biden it's becoming very obvious 
that he's just a bit off his game. Time to allow yourself 
to rest, Joe. You've done a great job. Let Kamala take 
it into the next session. 

So as if there hadn't been enough DRAMA in this year's elections, we have one more thing to add to the slurry. What a crazy year. It's not exactly the way I pictured getting a woman in the White House, but if this is the way the Fates have decreed, I'm all in. 

Is the USA ready for a female, non-white person to be 
in the White House and help govern this nation? Why the 
hell not! Kamala is well spoken, highly educated, smart 
and unafraid to speak her mind if necessary. Other nations 
seem to have survived females in their top government 
over the years, I'm quite sure the USA would also survive 
four or eight years of Kamala. 

I want to review my current story for LJ Idol before posting it. I hope it will be well received. Thanks to all of you who voted for my previous story, I was one of two tied for second place last session, and that's amazing and only due to all of you, my online friends near and far, who were kind enough to vote for me. I'm hoping my next story will also appeal. We'll find out. I'll do a final read-through while at work today, and hopefully get it posted no later than tonight. I'll put links into tomorrow's post so that all can look and read, and when the voting is open, I'll spread the word. 

I'm never happy when the old Chinese curse of "May you live 
in interesting times" actually comes true, but we're living 
the dream now! Oy! LOL

So ... that Chinese curse is coming true for us. We are living in "interesting" times. Damn it all! LOL Have an excellent Monday and I'll be back tomorrow for my first swimming day of the week. Slava Ukraini. 

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