Monday, June 17, 2024

Window Replacement - A Photo Blog for Today

Yesterday was window day. We pulled out both the extension ladder and my adjustable ladder from the garage and set them up on opposite sides of the window. DH had gotten a new glass sheet cut at the hardware store (they did a CRAPPY job), and we were reusing the aluminum framing from the old window on the new pane. 

This is a photo blog post today - pictures and descriptions only. Easy, peasy - LOL. 

#1 - The wood panel has been removed 
and as he removed it, he started putting in 
some new plastic tabs for the new window 
pane. My ladder is on the right, you 
can see the top of the extension ladder on the 
left. If you recall, this is the upper section of 
the house, so ladders were essential. There's 
a large bush directly in front of the window 
which made reaching to where we needed to 
work challenging in some cases. 

Here we've put the new glass panel into place. 
It fit fine (a little short, but fine) from top to 
bottom, but was a total PITA to get in from left 
to right. It took a LOT of pushing to get 
everything positioned correctly, and DH fully 
admits, after working on it, that we NEED new 
windows. THAT will be expensive! 

Here we're almost finished. This time I'm on 
the extension ladder and he's on mine. You 
can see that there's a rather large gap at 
the top. We ended up cutting some clear 
plexiglass tabs and using those instead of 
the white plastic tabs. The window won't 
be going anywhere now. You can also see 
how VERY bad the window frames are - they 
really need replacement. 

This Grandmother Dragonfly was watching us 
from the new fencing for more than an hour. She 
was perfectly content to just sit in the sun and 
bask. She was quite large - we get very big 
dragonflies up here. I'd estimate her length at 
about three inches and her wingspan at 
about three inches as well. She was perfectly 
contented to let the "stupid hoomans" do their 
thing on the house. LOL

Just to the right of my ladder is the drop down 
to the lower patio area. The windows to the left 
are the computer room windows, and then everything 
takes a steep drop down to the den windows 
and back patio door. See the green cage in 
the center front? That's where my pea trellis is. 
We've been having a big problem with critters 
digging up our peas, so DH finally broke down 
on Friday and put a cage around them. Hopefully 
they'll get a chance to grow, now. 

So, that was our Sunday. Originally we were going to clean the gutters from the patio side too (since we had the extension ladder out) but, our one-hour window replacement turned into a three-hour major chore, and we decided to skip the gutter cleaning. We'll probably regret that decision, but it seemed wise at the time - LOL. 

Here's hoping you have a fantastic Monday. We're in the middle of thunderstorms, so I suspect people are swimming indoors today and everyone will be disappointed - at least until noon or so. I'm grateful that I don't swim on Mondays, so I missed getting caught by the rain and lightning this time around. Have a glorious day and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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