Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Spray-Clean Project Continues - Success in the West

So here we are - the end of another week. DH stated that he wants take-out for Sunday's dinner, so we'll either do Chipotle or China Restaurant. I'm fine with either, but am leaning toward Chipotle - there's more that I can eat there, and it's closer to my home. 

I'm leaning toward Chipotle. I think I'll be able to get 
something I'll enjoy eating there with greater ease than 
I will at my local Chinese food restaurant. 

Yesterday I had full intentions of cleaning off my desk, but it turned into one of those exceptionally beautiful weather days with almost no wind (enough that I couldn't test-fly my drone in the park, though). I decided to do the next step in my exterior cleaning instead of my inside work. I removed the downstairs extra-long hose and pulled it around, connecting it to the upper yard shorter hose, attached my pressure sprayer, and got to work. 

The left side panel has been spray cleaned, the 
right hand panel and door haven't been. It's not 
a trick of the shade - the paneling really IS 
that dirty. We have winds that more often come 
from the West, and this is the Western wall. 
The door is to the breezeway, the cleaned part is 
the far interior wall of the garage, which leads 
to the breezeway, which leads into the house 
beyond the fencepost. 

More than an hour later, I was soaking wet from my long sleeves to the bottom half of my jeans, but I got the North and West walls completely done. That leaves me with the Southern wall. The South wall is a bit of a problem child. It's the true two-story part of the house. The computer room is on the west side, the den is on the right, and the ground slopes steeply from west toward the creek on the eastern side of my property. The siding is on the upper section of the house only, with stucco for the bottom section. 

Here we are on the house proper. It's a bit harder to see the 
difference between clean and dirty because of the sunlight 
through the trees, but you can see the demarcation of clean
on the left and dirty on the right. It's a bit clearer in the bottom 
of the photo where the sun isn't playing eye games. What 
a different a good spray can make! 

My pressure sprayer is probably able to get to the upper reaches of that wall, but not easily. And, the windows are old and too porous. I had to be very cautious around the windows on the west side already, and I'm not sure I can be cautious enough on the south because of the more acute angles necessary. I'll have to try at some point, though. It's the only part of the siding left to spray clean and the house looks 100% better with clean walls. But, I'm hesitant. This part of the job I'll attack with caution, and when I've got plenty of time to be slow. I don't want to harm any of DH's plants below the wall, and I have to be very careful with hose placement in the garden area. Another task for another day. I can still be pleased with 3/4 of a clean house - LOL. (And my stacks of paper are still extant on my desk - LOL and head-bang). Have an excellent weekend and I'll be back on Monday. Slava Ukraini. 

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