Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wildlife and the Pool ... and ... A Disappearing History

Wildlife seem to be attracted to our outdoor pool. Although I couldn't see to the far end of the pool without using my eyeglasses, my lane partner burst out laughing as he jumped into the water. "There's a duck at the end of our lane," he said. "Just sitting there, waiting to see what these 'hoomans' are going to do next." Sure enough, as I jumped in myself and he started swimming to the East, a duck rose from the pool and flew away from the rising sun, passing quite low over us on its' way to greet the day. I couldn't tell if the duck was male or female - no eyeglasses in the pool - but it was one more laugh for our wildlife adventures in swimming. 

Our duck was, of course, a living feathered duck, 
not a "rubber" duck, but still, this was too cute 
to pass up for an illustration. I love that we're 
continuing to share our pool with wildlife - the 
beaver in the Spring, and now a duck in the summer. 

If I've got any time today, I need to work on DH's website (one of my LEAST favorite tasks). The website isn't functional, although it certainly should be. I need to get in touch with Network Solutions and find out what's going on. He's all kerfluffled - his business identity on Dun and Bradstreet has suddenly disappeared. That can make selling the remaining inventory quite difficult. So we have to track down what's going on. I suspect it's because we don't have an actual storefront/physical location ... except that we do. I suspect something got ignored, or the mess of the merge between Google Business and Square totally blew us out of cyberspace. In any case, it's a serious problem. 

We've had a listing for DH's company with D&B 
for as long as we've owned the company. It goes 
back into the mid-1950's. I suspect we got dropped 
because we don't have a physical location any more, 
but ... we should still be listed. We'll need to track down 
why we've suddenly disappeared as though we've 
never existed. 

I also need to do some cooking today. I have absolutely NO dinners in the refrigerator for my night's meals. I've got plenty of roasted fruit for my breakfasts, but no dinners. I'll need to make a stew, or maybe a batch of stuffed peppers. I haven't made up my mind, but will have to decide before heading to the grocery store later this morning. 

I've got a refrigerator full of food, but nothing really 
for my evening meal. I'll have to do something 
about that. I can do things on the run, but not that 
often, and I prefer to have pre-cooked meals in my 
refrigerator, just waiting for reheating. 

So my day will be quite full, and I'm hoping for some nice weather so that I can enjoy the patio for a while this afternoon. But, of course, that is based upon getting my work done first. In hockey, Edmonton is still alive in the Stanley Cup Finals, winning a very exciting game last night against Florida. It's been a great series so far, and well worth the watching. So ... I'm off to the pool and then starting my very busy day. I hope all of you have a lovely Wednesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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