Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thoughts, Prayers and a Sad Thing Because Sometimes Life Isn't Sunshine and Lollipops

Yesterday worked into one of those days where Step A led into Step B which led into Step C. No hopping and skipping around, except to return the wrong computer cable and purchase the correct one from a different source. Since both stores were close to home, it wasn't a major thing, and I ended up with one that is functional and does exactly what it needs to do - charge my phone overnight. A rather important function. 

Do any others of you remember the "Flying Fickle Finger 
of Fate" award? From the old Rowan and Martin segment 
of "Laugh-In" in the late 1960's? 

I remembered everything at the store, and also had a chance to catch up with what's happening with Phil's wife when I chatted with one of the other Produce department guys. It's a very sad thing, such a quirk of fate. Phil got married to the love of his life last year in May. The day of the wedding there was a huge, unseasonable hail storm that caused everyone to rush into the after-wedding tent for shelter. It was something to laugh about, and I think all of us figured that this might be getting all of their bad luck out of the way so that their lives together would be fabulous. And indeed, it started out that way. 

They had an outdoor wedding with a large tent for the 
reception to follow. The wedding was fine, and they were 
just gathering into the tent for the after-wedding meal, 
toasts and dancing when the hail started coming down. 
The guests ended up holding the tent poles stable and 
holding up tent edges. It was crazy. We all said that if 
that was the worst their married life would throw at 
them, they were lucky to get it all out of the way early. 
But we were SO wrong. It was just the first volley. 

After about six months, however, she started feeling quite poorly and went to the doctor where there was the start of nothing but bad news. A tumor was found in her abdomen - a fast-growing and very aggressive cancer. After trying medicines to shrink or kill the cancer, surgery was decided upon and she underwent a very aggressive surgery in the late summer/early fall. Then there was a long recovery, and loads of chemotherapy, with hopes that any remaining tumor would shrink. 

Push that red area down more and you've basically 
got her cancer. All of her stomach and intestines 
are involved in this. By now she's had almost 
everything removed, but the cancer refuses to 
give up and the drugs aren't working. She's back 
in the hospital again, and this may well be the 
final time. She's started bleeding internally 
and isn't taking well to the medications. 

It didn't. It continued to grow, and now she's spent most of that first year of marriage in the hospital, where she is once again. The doctors have done almost everything possible, and she's fighting valiantly, but it's looking like this is something that she won't survive. Although she was able to be home for a couple of months, she hasn't been healthy for most of the past year, and she's back in the hospital again. They've been married for slightly longer than one year, and I think they've spent a total of one month together away from hospitals and sick beds. They've spent every penny they had on this, and ran a fundraiser to try and help with the hospital bills in April (I'm told it was quite successful, but don't know any specifics). I think she's in end game right now and that she won't live to be released home again, and it will totally break this sweet, smiling and delightful man who is so very much in love with his bride. 

It's been a hell of a first year of marriage for Phil and 
his bride. I don't think they've been able to spend more than 
one week together since their honeymoon, and she's spent 
more time in the hospital than at home. Such a sad situation. 

Why talk about such a sad thing at 3:45 am? Well, why not? Everywhere in the world today there will be some people who are experiencing great sorrow and worry. Let's all turn our thoughts today to healing - healing for individuals, as well as for larger groups of people. Let's turn our thoughts of healing to the land and the world as a whole. We can all use some positives in our lives, and healing mantras and vibrations can never be too few or too soon. With hopes that you have a wonderful day, I'm off for another magical outdoor swim as the sun rises. What an excellent way to greet the day! Slava Ukraini. 

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