Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Third Window Photo and What I Am Reading Now

Yesterday was a day with no drama, for a change. I did have a chance to get outside early and take a photo of the broken/boarded window to share. He cut the wood to the same size at the frame into which the glass had fit. He was a bit surprised to realize there was still one pane of glass int the window - they were double-glazed. I had known that, which was one reason I wasn't SUPER concerned about the broken window. Still, with wooden tabs screwed into the frame, it seems quite secure, even in our windstorms. I'm not sure it would survive a tornado, but then again, I'm not sure if the whole house would survive one of those if it was a direct hit. 

Having half of the window boarded up really 
does change the light quality in the room. It's 
going to drive DH a bit crazy. Yesterday he was 
up an hour early because he was afraid of 
oversleeping. When he's up early, he's intruding 
into my "quiet time" which makes me a bit 
cranky in return. Still, he did a good repair on 
the window - much better than the plastic that 
I had been suggesting. 

So, at least I'm breathing a little easier. The light change really screwed up his sleep cycle - he was up at 5:00 am instead of between 6:00-6:30. That drove me a bit crazy. The early morning hours are mine - time for me to have my quiet time. He does know, from years of experience, that I'm not going to carry on a conversation first thing in the morning. However, I generally prefer silence. He wakes up and immediately turns on the television which is set to the financial markets. Ick! What a horrid way to start the day. 

The first thing DH does after awakening and closing the 
window (which he can't do right now because it has 
a board over it), is he turns on the TV to the financial 
markets. Of course the volume is high - he can't hear 
well. It's loud and intrusive, and the last thing I want to 
be thinking about the moment I awaken is finances. Ick! 

How do you start your days? I awaken long before the dawn, and after a quick bathroom run, settle down and do 30-90 minutes of meditation in various forms. Something to get my mind calm and blood pressure even before I head to the swimming pool or just start my day in general. I don't have a dog who has to be let out, or a cat mewing for attention. My pets have long crossed that Rainbow Bridge. So I indulge in quiet. I know I won't have much quiet through the remainder of the day, so I soak it in and rest my overactive mine a bit. 

I'm not too sure about whether or not I actually 
like this book so far, but his writing is very 
interesting, and his flow of consciousness 
is everywhere at once. It's a bit exhausting 
to read, his flow reminds me of crowded 
city streets at rush hour - everyone and 
everything moving here and there with 
their own purposes, barely crossing or 
interacting with the others on the same 
street or in the same intersection. 

Then I dive into my day - usually reading whatever book I'm in the middle of with my breakfast. Breakfast comes AFTER whatever exercise I'm doing that day (today it's swimming). I'm currently reading "The Satanic Verses" by Salman Rushdie. I'd heard about the book for a long time, and finally gave into my curiosity. It's ... interesting. Is it worth the muss and fuss? Maybe. I haven't finished it yet. But I am enjoying his writing style in it. Have you read it? What did you think of it? As an author, he's undeniably talented, but his thought processes are a bit challenging to follow. I'm sure everything will be as clear as mud by the end of the book, but it's proving to be an interesting journey. So, I'm off to the pool. It will be a cold run in and out, but the water will be glorious. Have an excellent Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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