Monday, June 10, 2024

It's Always Something - The Never-Ending "Joys" of Home Ownership

The saying goes, "It never rains but it pours", and that's exactly what seems to be happening in our lives right now. We're sending the final payment to the fence company this week, so one major task is complete. But ... wait for it ... project two intruded into our lives early Sunday morning. 

It never rains but it pours - something else can always 
happen that's even worse or that rubs salt into the 
wound. We got splashed on - the mud hit and we are 
now wet and muddy and - well *sigh*, it's always 
something - LOL. 

DH was closing his window - he always has a window open when he's sleeping unless it's very cold outside. Me? I like indoor comfort and will be happy to see and hear the birds after I've had my morning coffee. He? He likes the feel of open air. He can't hear the birds, so they don't play a part in his morning desires. 

The pane on the right is the pane that fell 
out. DH's bed is less than four feet away from 
that window. Because of the design of our 
house, this is the upper level, but fortunately, 
it's on the side of the house where the ground 
level is much higher than at the basement level. 

So, he cranked the window closed - something he's done for many years since we've lived in this house for almost 40 years now. The final inch or two had a weird sound accompanying it, something I heard but DH didn't. I said something about "That was a weird sound," then turned over and went back to sleep. He went down and had his coffee, took his shower, and then settled down at his computer to play "Lord of the Rings Online" (which we've been playing for 17+ years). 

I did my usual morning routine for a Sunday - sleeping in until 7-8, then settling in for a nice, lone meditation, finally getting out of bed, ready to take my shower and face the day. We had a leisurely breakfast, and then he went out to check on the garden while I cleaned up the dishes. He came back in, telling me he found out why I thought there had been a "weird sound" when he closed the window. As it turned out, the outer pane of glass on the window had separated from the frame, fallen to the ground, and smashed into multitudes of shards. Oy! 

So, the glass was shattered into pieces across 
the ground. It just missed hitting my 
zucchini plants, and I was still finding little 
pieces late that afternoon when we were 
installing the board to protect the window 
and buy us some needed time for gathering 
funds and making window upgrade decisions. 

At the end of the day, after talking about this or that, we decided to put a board up to protect the rest of the window. We simply can't afford to take on a second expensive home repair at this time, and windows are VERY expensive. So, we now have a home with a board in the window - it's well cut and well mounted, but it's a board. *sigh* I don't have a photo of the end result because we finished putting that up too late at night for a photo, but I'll try to remember to take one today sometime and post it later this week. As he says, this will buy us up to a year to make up our minds on style. We know we want Anderson Windows for the job, but we haven't agreed on type of window yet, although we look every year at the State Fair. *sigh* How was your weekend? Anything exciting - LOL? 

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