Saturday, June 8, 2024

Hurrah! It's Saturday

Yesterday was a day of accomplishments - at least mostly - LOL. I didn't have a lot of cooking to do, just my Ogre Juice for the upcoming week. So that went fairly quickly. It usually takes an hour, and it took an hour. Predictable, but rather rote by now. The veggies change by what looks good in the grocery shop(s), but in general, it's a pretty predictable item for me to make. I probably could do it in my sleep, but sharp kitchen knives and sleepwalking are probably an unsafe combination. 

I bought a knife similar to this one a few months 
ago. It's the most expensive single knife I own, and 
it's been fantastic. A sharp edged cutter and chopper 
(when necessary), it's one of the better purchases 
of my recent past and I use it ALL the time. 

It was a beautiful day, and I remembered that DH had attached the upper garden hose to the spigot, so I thought I'd work some more on the remnants of the baby robins. For two small birds, they were a real mess. I had gotten most of it cleaned up on Wednesday, but I wanted to do a bit more at closer range. So I grabbed my nozzle and the hose and set to work. What a difference some hose length can make! 

This silly jet sprayer is turning into one of the 
best investments I've made recently. It's just so 
easy to handle. I was using both the stream and 
the spread nozzles yesterday on the siding and 
walkway and it worked SO well without the bulk 
and need for electricity that my power washer 

I ended up spray cleaning the siding all along the entryway, the entire front of the house, down toward the garage, and half - maybe 3/4 - of the garage siding. That's when I ran out of hose. I tried to determine if I could reach the remainder with the longer hose we use in the garden area, but no. However, if I take the garden hose and attach it to the upper hose, I might have enough length to finish the garage front, do the Western side and maybe even start work on the breezeway and the Western side of the actual house. If the weather and my schedule permits, that might be part of Wednesday or Friday's attempts next week. We'll see. 

That took up the majority of the day, however, and when I added in some computer work, it was a busy day. Still, I accomplished something, and the entry of my house looks better than it has in years. So I'm quite happy with my accomplishments for my "day off". I hope your Friday was equally satisfying, and I'm calling this quits for the day and week. I'll be back on Monday. Enjoy your weekend and Slava Ukraini. 

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