Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Fence, The Alarm and My Mom - Here, There and Everywhere

Happy Wednesday. Despite the weather being lovely yesterday, DH "putzed"  in the garden, but didn't do anything about spray-coating the fence. I, on the other hand, watched several YouTube videos about how to use our paint sprayer. I'm much more confident now. DH has decided his best days to do the fence are Saturday and Sunday. Supposedly the weather will be best. I have my doubts that the weather people can tell with any certitude this far away. But we'll see. We need to get the fence clear coated, and if he won't do it, I'll have to fold it into my time. 

The spray painter is pretty easy to use, the tricky part is 
making sure that the paint is the correct thickness to easily 
work through the mechanism. There are some videos that I 
was watching yesterday. I'll try and watch a few more today. 
I might get stuck doing this on my own - sometimes these 
jobs start with good intentions and then never quite get done. 

I phoned my security alarm company yesterday, and it seems like the lack of communication was a glitch because everything is working well now. That's a relief. I don't have to have a technician come out and play with the alarm panel. At least one thing was a positive. 

I'm not sure if the statement above is grammatically 
correct. It's grating on me. I suspect it should be 
"...recover emails that have disappeared ..." rather than 
the shorter way in the illustration. But ... the concept is 
exactly what I'm talking about, so here you go. An 
incorrect text box for the correct idea - LOL. 

Today I have to check out an email from Missy - she's tried to send it several times without success, so we'll see if it arrived in my in-box yesterday afternoon. I certainly hope so. It's old photos and memories of my Mom that her Mom had kept. I'd very much like to see it and read about it. 

This is the photo that I have hanging on 
the wall to the left of my computer. I see it 
every day. Mom was probably around 40 in 
this photo. She was a beauty! 

I also need to contact the county watershed district. We need to schedule a walk-through on our property. They will be clearing trees from our stream bed (or drainage ditch) and we want to make sure that they are quite aware of what trees are on their property and which ones are on ours. I'll call them today, between cooking, cleaning, laundry and finally collapsing and chatting with Aearwen - whose birthday it is today. So, Happy Birthday Aearwen. Hope you have a wonderful day and year ahead. I'm heading for the pool, so have an excellent Wednesday. Slava Ukraini. 

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