Friday, June 21, 2024

It's A Rainy Day - Thank Goodness! I'll Get Work Done

DH was up until the wee hours of the morning. I know when I took a quick sleep-walk to the bathroom after 1:00 am, the light in the computer room was on and he was doing something or other in there. Today is a cooking day, but it's also "Work on the website" day. We're concerned - things aren't as they should be for his website and I have to find out why and what can be done to get things operational. 

We developed (rather I developed) DH's website 
with Network Solutions. They're actually not 
too bad, but we're having problems now, so we need 
some technical support. 

It's just as well that it's supposed to be a rainy day today. My plants can use the moisture, and I won't be tempted to spend a lot of time outdoors communing with nature. My only problem will be getting my mandatory cooking out of the way ASAP so that I can concentrate on his website issues. Time for a lot of phone calls and a lot of time on hold - NOT one of my favorite things, but we need answers. 

It's time to contact Tech Support. I've done this in the past 
and it hasn't gone well, but I'm hoping for a better 
resolution this time. I know it'll take a LONG time, though. 
It's forever to actually get through to a human being these 
days. And getting a human being with tech skills? That's 
another thing altogether, right? 

Our main problem stems from company take-overs and mergers. What existed when we first purchased the website and started developing the website, simply doesn't exist any more. Company A was bought by Company B which merged with Company C, and so nothing talks to each other any more. I need to update two photos on our website, and we need to actually have his website live, and that isn't happening for one reason or another. 

DH wasn't happy with the quality of two of the photos 
we had on his web page, so he played with them and sent 
the new files to me. I need to replace them before we 
succeed in going live with the website (which should 
have been done six months ago). 

The other thing that's bothering me computer wise is Yahoo. For some reason Yahoo has taken over my search bar and my original Google search bar is nonexistent, even though I'm on Google when I'm searching. I totally HATE Yahoo's search engine and want my Google back. It's another computer issue for me to hopefully deal with today. I printed out instructions on how to get my Google search bar back, and I'll see if they work. I'm not holding out a lot of hope - these types of programs cling worse than lint to wool. But ... it's Friday, which is always a plus, even though it's going to be a rainy day. Rainy days are great for computer and kitchen work - LOL. Have an excellent day and I'll be back to wrap up the week tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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