Saturday, June 22, 2024

Friday Was a Day Spent With Technical Services - *SIGH*

I'm getting off to a slow start today - no real reason for it, just lazy ... or maybe just tired. But I had an excellent night's sleep, not awakening until my alarm went off. Those days are rare. My alarm is scheduled for 3:00 am on swimming days, 4:00 am on non-swimming days. That's early for anyone. But this week I was waking up at 2:30 am or so, on my own, so I usually just gave up on sleep and took advantage of that extra half-hour. It felt absolutely luxurious to sleep until my alarm actually went off at 4:00 am today! I'm living in the lap of luxury - LOL. 

Oh, this is SO true - LOL. Although there are some luxury 
kitchens that I wouldn't mind living with. Still, I'm pretty 
happy just being in my own house. 

I spent more than three hours with technical services yesterday trying to get the issues with DH's website resolved and everything switched over to our preferred carrier. What a mess! Now I'm chasing down some number or other from the current carrier. Once I have that, I can contact our preferred people once again, with that number, and they can transfer everything over to a single system. 

DH had chosen Google Workspace and SquareSpace 
for his website and I chose Network Solutions as the 
best platform to help me build the actual site. Then 
Google and SquareSpace divorced and now nobody is 
talking to each other. So we've decided to move everything 
over to Network Solutions, pay them whatever we need 
to, and in the end, have a functional, live website. 

Our problem traces back to corporate takeovers that happen without taking the concerns of the customers into account. Google's website division was sold to SquareSpace, and the DNS numbers for one aren't the same for the other. Now, to make things easier for ourselves, we want everything switched over to Network Solutions - the place where we developed the actual website. If they have everything under one roof, it should be easy to get live. Until then, we're trying to get live and it isn't happening. So, despite very helpful and friendly people, we spent a lot of time just running around, but didn't accomplish a lot. Next week will be a bit of "rinse and repeat" as I try this once again. Maybe on Wednesday, more likely on Friday when I have more time to spend on it. 

Getting this website up and running is our own, personal 
Never-Ending Story. *sigh* I'll be happy when/if everything 
is under a single umbrella. Then getting things done 
shouldn't be an impossible dream. 

And, I forgot a pear. What? Yeah. I was making some roasted fruit yesterday - it's my usual breakfast. I had purchased eight pears and four plums, and I add other items like chopped nuts and maple syrup to the mix. I had everything in the big pot I use to mix the items up, poured them onto the large baking sheet and it was in the oven, when I moved the large pot to the sink area for cleaning and realized one pear got missed. It was a very full sheet pan, so I don't feel shorted. But I now have a single fresh pear on my kitchen counter. I might just eat that one raw - maybe on Sunday. 

So I have a single red pear on my kitchen 
counter, that should have been cut up and baked 
along with the other five. *sigh* I guess I'll 
cut it up and eat it raw ... or maybe I'll save it 
for a few days before I do that. I don't have 
to decide right away, it's in good shape. 

So, that was my "exciting" Friday. Not very exciting. Far too many hours spent on the phone with a variety of tech services people. *sigh* I hope my weekend will be a bit more fun. Have an excellent Saturday and Sunday and I'll be back Monday morning. Slava Ukraini. 

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