Monday, May 20, 2024

Evolution and Mother Nature - Monday Thoughts in the Rain

Happy Monday to all of you. I awakened to rain, heavy rain, which continued in bands throughout my meditation hour and is still banding its' way through the area. I've always liked rains like this - the quick downpours followed by quiet, allowing everything to soak in, before being hit again with another downpour. It's a reflection of life, isn't it? One crisis - personal or broader - followed by a short period of calm, and then picked up once again by the next crisis. 

How do you react in a crisis? The world is working its' way 
towards a boiling point once again, and our wars these days 
tend to involve the entire world, not just regions here and 
there. No - when we war now, we can quite literally 
destroy the world completely. Ridiculous! 

Humanity, as a whole, was designed to operate under crises mode. We'd be wandering around in the brush, harvesting and foraging, and then a lion would be spotted and crisis mode would immediately take over. Do we stalk and kill the lion? Do we try to get around it? How is it acting - threatening, sleepy? Is it a mother with young cubs? Oh dear, better steer a wide path around her then. Those ancestors whose panic was controlled and who had the right response survived to have more level-headed kids and the species survived. 

Although it's the male lion who gets the press, if it 
were up to reality, it's the female lion that should be 
most feared. She's hunting not just for herself, but also 
for her young. 

Maybe part of our problem in this day and age, is that the mothers who would have chosen to go too close to the lion survived, and their brains just simply shut down and make poor choices under pressure. I certainly know people who have made poor choices - hell, I've made poor choices in my own life. Just not life-altering or changing events. But yeah - I don't think any of us are immune to poor choices. But, I also think that if faced with a lioness with cubs, we'd try our best to back away and keep her calm. At least, most of us would. 

I think, right now, we're surrounded by those who can 
cause us harm, and we simply are sitting on our front 
porches waiting for the apocalypse. We're out of options, 
and really don't have any solutions to the constant 
conflicts that exist in our world today. Meanwhile, we 
invent ever new ways to kill bunches and bunches of 
people. *sigh* 

We talk of peace, of a golden time when we'll all get along together and sing "Kumbaya" or some such other silly thing. It's NEVER going to happen, people. We are individuals. We are ALL different, and we think differently and act differently. Add government and religion to the mix, and you've got a guarantee that we'll never have an easy time of it. Maybe, after we finally extinguish each other (or Mother Nature gets really tired of this experiment and takes care of the extinguishing for us), there will come a new life form that will be far more successful. Maybe another reign of dinosaurs. After all, as a species, they survived for 165-177 million years. That's 'MILLION' years. Humanity? Well, we've been around about 6 million years, and I have doubts that we'll make it much farther. 

I really wanted to go a bit larger with this image, but some 
screens probably would have issues with that. See that very 
small green square to the far right? That's homo sapiens - humanity. 
Not really very much on the timeline of the earth, is it? 

As a species, we've been successful. We've managed to cover the earth - every continent, every corner, has or has had humanity in it. We've changed the face of the world in ways incalculable - buildings, water channels and tunnels, mining into the deeps, and soaring into the upper atmosphere, even escaping Earth on several occasions. But as we pet ourselves on the back for our achievements, we turn our eyes away from our failures. Our failure to blend together as a people, our failure to hold others in equal respect or to allow everyone to be the individual he/she/or other was born to be, will be our doom. 

Humanity is a plague upon the earth, and I fully expect 
that Mother Nature will eventually get tired of this 
experiment and return with a different species for this 
third rock from the sun. The only winner out of all of 
this is Mother Nature and Time. We're flunking out 
of the School of Life. 

Maybe Mother Nature made a mistake with us - we are a plague covering the Earth and she just hasn't found the correct antidote yet. But make no mistake, If there is anyone/anything who can devise something to rid Herself of that plague and start anew once again - it's "Mother" Earth. Place your best, ladies and gentlemen. My bet goes to the round orb circling the Sun. Have an excellent Monday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. 

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