Monday, May 23, 2022

WildFit, Plants and Tacos - All In All, A Good Sunday

Yesterday was an important anniversary in my life - exactly one year since I graduated from WildFit. I looked over the past year's accomplishments and truly couldn't be much happier. When I started the 90-day Challenge in February 2021, I weighed 152 pounds and had been at that 150-160 level for several years. I had never been below 140 for more than a decade, or below 130 for more than 30 years. Having nothing to lose by trying, I decided to stick with WildFit after the two weeks preliminary introduction, and I "graduated" on May 22, 2021. It wasn't inexpensive, but it was worth every penny. 

I joined WildFit through MindValley. I had joined MindValley 
earlier in the year and enjoyed what I was learning, and 
looked carefully at the WildFit program. At first I turned 
it down, but then I reassessed, wanting to understand 
nutrition and what my body would require to be healthy. 

In that 90-day challenge time, I hadn't lost a lot of weight, I was down 11 pounds, at 141.0, but I had gained a lot of understanding what my body wanted and needed in terms of food and nutrition. By July 4th I was at 133.5, by the time of my wedding anniversary in September I was at 123.4, and I finally managed to get to a steady 115-118 in February this year, one year after starting the program. Now I'm comfortably maintaining right where I want to be and have found an entirely new relationship with food. 

WildFit had a great logo. They recently changed 
their logo to something incredibly boring and 
yawn. I loved the old logo - it was distinctive 
and pictorially descriptive - the evolution of 
mankind and the evolution of our relationship 
with food and our bodies. 

Was it easy? Those of you who have been reading my posts forever know it was anything BUT easy, and it almost broke my marriage apart. Was it worth it? Oh yeah. Absolutely worth every bit of it. I have no idea why WildFit worked for me when other things didn't, but I'm happily Living Wildfit every day and hope I'm doing this for the rest of my life. I've never understood food the way that I do now, and that understanding has allowed me food freedom, knowing that I can easily recover if or when I stumble. I also have great support in the Living WildFit program/group. I have coaching, live Zoom sessions, even cook-along sessions and recipes from professional chefs who are WildFit graduates. The after-program support offered is part of why it's successful. 

Gertens is HUGE. The map above is the retail 
section - where we are hunting down out 
plants. There's also a separate section in a 
different part of their lands for wholesale and 
professionals. They raise all of their plants 
themselves, so there are also lots of greenhouses 
in a totally different part. They own a LOT of 
land in their southern suburb. 

DH and I spent Sunday morning back at the garden center. He had several more things on his list to get for the garden. It was COLD - in the 40's, so I wore appropriate clothing. DH, fool that he is, dressed lighter and was freezing. We managed to find everything on the list including the Lenten Roses (aka Moss Roses) and even the Jack in the Pulpit and the Datura plants. We ran into Chickie on our way out. She was heading it to get some succulents to add to her own garden. 

Here's a photo of the trellis DH put 
together for my snap peas. It's rough 
and quick, but it should do the trick. 
We planted bush beans off to the 
right, as well as in two containers on 
the patio. We'll see what comes up. 
We have moles (a serious problem), 
and I may have just planted a nice 
meal for them. *sigh* 

Once home, we started planting, but first, DH built a quick trellis for my snap peas. We got it strung up and pot firmly into the ground, and I planted the peas while he started work mixing a bunch of better quality soil up for the side garden. We got that planted, and added some additional plants to the main garden. We worked out there until 3:30 pm or so, got everything in and watered, then headed inside for tacos. I had mine soft-shell in my Siete Almond Flour Tortillas, with lettuce, guacamole and El Jefe salsa - soooo good! Although there was corn starch in the taco seasoning DH used for the meat, I figured it would be such a small amount that I would be fine having it. My body didn't disagree with me, so it was a successful meal. We both crashed early - it was an exhausting day. 

I love my Siete Almond Flour Tortillas. I always 
have a package in my refrigerator ready to use, 
and several in my freezer ready to defrost. It's 
a rare week when I'm not eating several. 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and that your Monday is starting out well. Voting for the latest round of LJIdol should be starting today and I hope my possum in Sesame Street story garners some votes, even though I probably should have proofread it one last time to catch some first person v third person errors. Still, it's a fun story and I'm proud of it, despite the POV issue in the middle. Have an excellent Monday and I'll be back tomorrow before I hit the pool for one of my final swims in the indoor pool until Fall. 

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