Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Swimming, Customers and Dreams Of Etsy Dominion (On a Small Scale) - LOL

Back to the pool today, and I got my new skinsuit for the outside pool in yesterday's UPS shipment. So I should be set for next week with two skinsuits. I also bought a new paddle board - this one a different shape, made for more variety of work than the flat fairly large board I've been using up until now. It's been darned cold in the mornings, so running in and out of the outdoor pool will be miserable for a while, but that water will feel SO good. Nonetheless, I'm going to enjoy these last three days inside. 

Those of us who are 5:00 am people usually aren't seeing 
the outdoor pool with this much light - LOL, but the water 
will be gloriously warm after the outside temperatures. Right 
now our outdoor temps are in the 50's at that time of day. 

I suspect the YMCA will also be discarding their reservations system except for raquetball courts starting on Monday. I don't really see how they could enforce it in the outdoor pool, the entry slips will fly all over the place if they're not contained. We usually have some sort of a breeze going on - Mother Earth rarely is absolutely still and quiet. So it's going to be a whole new world. Also, we'll get a lot of swimmers we only see in the summer because they come to our area specifically for the outdoor pool. We'll be a lot more crowded in general. But not so much at 5:00 am. That's the blessing of being an early morning person. 

One of the things that my new customer does 
is mosaic over skulls. This is NOT one 
of her pieces, but it is similar to some she 
showed me photos of. She uses a variety 
of items for her mosaics, including beads. 
I was more than happy to supply her with 
lots of fun, assorted beads. LOL

I started the day out at the shop with a bang. A long-time customer brought a visiting friend over, and she got a lot of beads and supplies to use in her artwork. I forced DH to pull beads while I worked with the two of them, and she had both of us hopping for an hour or so. She was a lot of fun to meet. All told, I was busy throughout the day, but the main groups came in the morning so I was also able to get quite a lot of computer work done on my crystals. I'll continue that today. I only hope I'm setting everything to the correct sizes so that they'll all look great. I'm following Etsy's directions, but I've always got this small worry in the back of my head. 

I started with the cubes for several reasons. 
It's my smallest department for Swarovski 
bead shapes, and the cubes are the easiest 
to photograph. I'll have a much harder time 
photographing the round and the bicone 
shapes. They'll tend to move all over while 
I'm photographing them. Time to research 
ways to keep them stable. 

I'm noticing that a few photos didn't transfer from my phone, so I'll have to look those up individually and get them shifted; 99% of the photos did move, though, so I'm able to forge ahead and I'm certainly keeping busy. LOL Still lots to do before I can to a major transfer over to my Etsy account, though, and I will have to review all the photos and probably retake a few that just aren't clear enough on second (or third) look. Still - I'm pretty happy with where I'm at. I knew this would not be an easy job, and it's not, but I can make myself into a major player. I have enough stock to do that. 

I'm happy with the way I went on the 
current story challenge, although I should 
have proofread one more time. Still, with 
that exception of a slip-up in POV, it's 
a strong and entertaining little tale. 

So I'm wrapping this up and heading out to the pool. Voting is open for my Oscar the Grouch and OP the opossum story, and if you liked the story and are a "Registered Voter", I'd very much appreciate your vote. I always wonder if it's quite Kosher to vote for myself, but I haven't broken down to try that yet. It seems like that would be cheating. Have an excellent Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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