Saturday, May 21, 2022

Dresses, Dinner and Dropbox - A Lot of D's in Today's Post

I was here, there and everywhere yesterday, and still forgot to pick up the gown until mid-afternoon. I had settled down to do some computer work when it occurred to me. I had been in the general area earlier that morning, but like a fool, totally forgot. So I hopped back into the car and went to pick it up. It's gorgeous. They did an outstanding job. When I got home, I pulled it from the hanger, stripped, and put it on. It fits me - a little loose in the bustline - Mom had a bit more going on there than I do. But the waist also fits. I don't have wiggle room - if I gain weight I won't be able to wear it - but it's glorious to wear something she made and wore more than 75 years ago. 

This is a BEFORE photo - taken 
on my mannequin before I took it 
to the cleaners. The hem is beautiful 
now, and the entire dress is perfect. 
What's even better is that I fit 
into it almost perfectly! 

DH has decided he wants to go back to the garden center again tomorrow. That means an early rising for me again, and no extra catch-up sleep - again. But, he's happiest when he's puttering around in the yard for the summer, so anything I can do to keep things on an even keel, I'm all for it. It's going to be a cold weekend - temps only in the 50's, so I'll bundle up and brave the cold and he'll get the annuals and perennials he wants. Then he can putter in the garden for the afternoon until we settle down before making tacos for dinner. I got all of the fixings for tacos yesterday, so we're in good shape. 

I love Siete products. It's a family run company 
that started because one of the children was 
gluten intolerant. They have an almond tortilla 
that I use constantly. Fantastic. Their chips are 
excellent, and they even have a couple of 
varieties of cookies that I can have occasionally. 

I should use my own ground beef and taco seasoning, but I know he'll have a total hissy fit if I do. I'd prefer using my Siete brand taco seasoning, but I'll survive two tacos made with El Paso brand (too many chemicals and I'm quite sure there's sugar in it as well). It's only two tacos, and I'm going to try to have more lettuce and guacamole than meat anyway. Sometimes I have to choose my battles - this is one I'll fudge on slightly. I might make some tacos of my own later in the week - with my own taco seasoning and maybe some hardshell Siete tortilla shells too. 

Their taco shells are also quite good. They crack, 
like all taco shells do, but they're quite tasty. 

I also have the option of stopping by the grocery store on Sunday while he's planting whatever we got at the garden center. I could get some salad fixings for a nice veggie to go along with my tacos. Or not - it's good to have choices - LOL. 

I can't access the photos on my desktop computer, but 
I don't really need to. I needed the photos to be accessed 
from my laptop because that's the Photoshop program I'm 
using for my website images. My desktop computer is 
ancient. I'll have Dale build me a new one when he 
finally finishes with the one he's building for DH. 

The great photo migration was stubborn. After trying several things, including some suggestions from a dear friend and ex-fiancee, I finally remembered Dropbox. I have Dropbox on every machine I run, it's a fabulous program and app. I opened that, told it to upload, clicked a LOT of photos, and voila! Within 20 minutes, the photos had all transferred from my phone into Dropbox, and are now accessible on any of my computers. I started working on them late in the afternoon and they'll be just fine. It's going to be a bit of back and forth with my paper copies to get the names and part numbers correct, but I'll be back at work on it when I get to the shop today. 

I've used Dropbox for a long time, but have only 
used the upload and file sharing aspects of it since 
earlier this year when I needed to get documentation 
to Etsy before I could open my shop. It works like 
a charm. Chickie uses it a lot - it was her suggestion 
that opened up the possibilities to me. 

On that note, I've rambled on long enough. Have an excellent weekend and a glorious Saturday. It's in my plans to return on Monday morning, hopefully to be able to report a calm Sunday and a DH who is not angry for any reason. Enjoy, and Slava Ukraini. 

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