Thursday, March 12, 2020

Playing To Empty Stadiums - COVID-19

Trump closed the US borders to Europe last night, although apparently the UK is excepted. I was hoping that his raising of the castle gate would help a friend's daughter who is caught in a mess with her honeymoon trip plans with little/no hope of refund from the travel agency, so I texted my friend as soon as I heard the news from DH. Unfortunately, I didn't know that the UK was excepted, so I extend my apologies. I still think that a full refund should be available, perhaps minus down payments for hotels (usually assessed for a single night's charge). I think Trump's action gives her daughter another leg to stand on when insisting upon a refund for a trip she cannot take due to no fault of her own. 

Across the world, sporting events are being played at empty stadiums
because of the COVID-19 virus. Here, a match is being played in Spain. 

As virus fears sweep the world and large events are cancelled far and wide, I join many in the "wait and see" game. My annual trip to Milwaukee, which is usually locked in by early January and happens in late May/early June, is up in the air. Some teachers and attendees won't be able to travel, some students won't be able to come either. The sponsoring organization is extending their deadline for anyone to request a full refund of tickets, etc to May 10th. It's unprecedented but I'm grateful. I want to attend, no question about it, but I'll watch carefully. Maybe I'll have to cancel. Meanwhile, I'm staying in my small circle - my store, my neighborhood, and very small groups - just like my normal habits. 

The Golden State Warriors basketball team played their latest game
in an empty stadium, and many college and professional events
and leagues are following this protocol. 

When I was at the grocer yesterday, there was plenty of toilet paper. Of course, I didn't have a need to go to Target - my usual "big box" store, and the supplies might have been hit on those shelves. Still, I have plenty on-hand at home, so I left what was at the store for some other shopper, got my groceries, and returned home. I do carry hand-wipes in my coat pocket, just in case. I guess the old saying of "You can't be too careful" is a good byword for a while. 

It's the playoffs in Ice Hockey, and an empty seat just doesn't happen. But
here, in a game last night between the New York Rangers and the
Colorado Avalanche, large swaths of seats were left empty. 

In the midst of all of this back and forth, warning, doom and gloom, comes Project Runway. Tonight is the finale show of Season 18 and it's been wonderful! Things were left very much in the air at the end of last week's show, and I'm sure we'll be picking up almost right where we left off - with a final decision of who will show at New York Fashion Week. I'll report on the show tomorrow morning if photos are available, Saturday morning if the pics are delayed in any way. 

The NCAA announced that their games will be closed to all spectators as
they move into March Madness and the Final Four. It's a first - there has
never been an all-around ban on spectators at any NCAA league event, and
this is league-wide, not just for a single game. 

Have an excellent day, keep your wits about you, and don't panic. Remember, Mother Nature has the upper hand at all times. We can fight her, but her deck is stacked. So relax a bit, use common sense, and help each other. We'll get through this. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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