Friday, March 13, 2020

The Roller Coaster of our Lives (Project Runway Tomorrow)

No Project Runway photos yet, so I'll post the results tomorrow. 

DH is horribly depressed - the financial markets are tanking in the wake of COVID-19 - he can't pull himself away from the financial markets on television, although they are awash in a sea of red. I guess I'm the opposite of him - I haven't checked my accounts at all. The last time I checked, about a week ago or so, I had lost a chunk of value in my accessible account, the one I started with my inheritance money after Mom died, and I haven't checked my IRA retirement account yet. Still, even though we're bleeding money, there's really not a lot we can do at this point except strap in for the ride. 

We're on a roller coaster ride right now. We're strapped in and
have no real control over where we are going, just know were're
eventually going to end up back at the beginning with shaky legs
and the experience of a lifetime. Hang on for the ride! 

Of course, I have to think back to my parents and grandparent's generations and the world financial collapse of the late 1920's into the Great Depression of the 1930's. Those were hard times - people papering their walls with money that had suddenly become worthless. A wheelbarrow of money would buy a loaf of bread. We're not at that point now, and we're in much better shape than many - we own our house, we have money in the bank, and we really don't need to pay for much. We're lucky. Still, it's a worry at the back of the mind. 

These are scary times. Combine COVID-19 with the collapse of the
financial markets and the recipe for disaster has been put together.
The misinformation being distributed, and the lack of the Federal
government to get their act together might spell the end of Trump.
I guess we'll see come November, but right now it's a cluster-___k. 

So as we all hunker down and try to avoid public contact, I'm grateful for electronic contact. If we had to self-isolate completely, I suspect I'd go crazy. I'm still going to the gym (at least until they decide that attendance is too dangerous), and swimming is excellent - the chlorine in the water is there to kill germs. Voila! I'm swimming today and tomorrow - LOL (of course, Friday and Saturday in the water is my normal schedule). 

Disney has closed the Orlando, Florida and the Anaheim, California
parks in the USA, as well as their Paris park. I think they were also
considering closing their Shanghai park and their Cruise line. The
closures are short-term - initially for the long weekend, but I think they'll
be closed for longer than three days. 

So stay safe. When Disney closes its parks, you know there's something serious going on, so just be careful, sanitize regularly, and don't panic. It won't be easy, but we'll all get through this, with a little help from our cyber-friends. Have a wonderful Friday and with luck my Project Runway review will be able to post tomorrow. 

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