Monday, January 12, 2015

Oh Well ... There's Always Next Season

As a Denver Broncos fan throughout my life, I've had many ups and downs. Yesterday's game turned into a down, but I have to say that I'm OK with that. It was a fun game to watch and we were outplayed. Pure and simple. Any Broncos fan from way back knows far more disappointment than success, and it doesn't change the fact that I support the blue and orange. Broncos forever. Now to look forward to the last few weeks of the football season.

Win or lose, the Broncos are my team. I've been a fan since
the old Orange Crush days and can't stop now. 

DH is still sick. It's been a week today and he's still coughing and hacking. He's tired, he's cold, and he's stuck having to work for the next three days. I hope he thinks about dressing warmly and maybe pulls a sweatshirt along just in case. He probably won't because he's stupid that way, but I can hope. Still, he's stuck and he'll have to make do. Soup for dinner over the next few days, I suspect.

Our back room is cold because it doesn't have good stripping at
the bottom of the door. He'l be sitting at his desk dealing with
the year-end numbers for the next few days. He'll be frozen! 

I have my phone next to me at all times, but have it on "silence" from 9:00 pm through until 5:00 am. This lets me get notified if my security company needs to reach me with a problem at the shop, but also lets me sleep through gmail and FB notifications. EXCEPT FB messenger apparently. Chickie's Dad had posted a video on FB Saturday that I thought was highly inappropriate and I commented to him. He messengered me last night at 12:30 am and the bright 'ping' awakened me. I looked at who was in the bubble and pulled it closed without comment. Two minutes later, it pinged again with an afterthought, waking me up again.

FB Messenger drives me a little crazy. It's nice to be able to chat
with friends, but usually they're contacting me either when I'm
at work or busy with something at home (sleep, in this case). So I'm
not finding messenger to be very convenient in the long run. 

I lost it. I messengered back to him in rather abrupt fashion, the following: "R, the next time you include me in a conversation at 12:32 am when I wake up at 4:25 am (well, that was a typo, I had meant to say 3:15 am), I very likely will be MORE than the royally pissed off I currently am." Yes, I was angry. He sent an email apologizing, but really. Who carries on a conversation on a Sunday night with anyone at 12:32 am? Oy! The only exception to that is phone sex and believe me, R's the last person on earth I would EVER have phone sex with. So yes, I was angry.

Some people are morning people, some people aren't. I'm an early
morning person but Chickie's Dad will often sleep until early afternoon.
We're diametrically opposed in our diurnal cycles. 

I didn't get as much accomplished in my basement so I think I'll schedule my washer/dryer delivery for two weeks instead of one. I still need to finish cleaning my shelving, move things around the floor to allow the men to remove the old appliances and replace them with the new, and it's going to take some effort. I'll need DH to help with it and right now he's as weak as a kitten. So it will have to be postponed a bit longer than I wanted. Oh what I could do with the "sanitize" feature on that washer right about now.... - le-sigh, le-sigh, ... LOL. Have a groovy Monday, my friends. Think happy thoughts and stay warm.

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