Saturday, January 10, 2015

It's Been A Crazy Few Days - Let's Get Some Balance

It's been a crazy few days with the resumption of post-holiday life for most people, new schedules and goals for many, and the continued unrest in the world at large. In times like these we tend to draw together, find our strengths, treasure our families and renew our commitments. It's been a week of both positive movement and horrific violence, the dichotomy making it more difficult for people to keep their balance. So I'm doing a photo blog on balance toady in the hope that you will find yours for the coming week.

Life is a balancing act. Set the negatives aside and concentrate
on the positives to help keep your own balance and equilibrium. 

This lovely piece is by Ilya Zomb, part of a series called "Metamorphoses of Stillness".
I love the opposing elephants. It's what drew me into the image. Find more
of his amazingly fun art by following the link

Balance can be more than merely physical, it can be a balance of colors, or
shapes, or banding. This fabulous sculpture called "Radial Balance"
is by artist Kennedy Brayton. I think it's pretty wonderful, but
then, those who know me know how much I love color...

Radial Balance is a bit more unusual than the teeter-totter balance often
thought of. It works with the center instead of the ends. When you think
about it, you probably see examples of Radial Balance in your daily life. 

Radial Balance is often used in architecture. Just look at
the beauty of this vault and how everything stretches out
from an absolute center. 

Since it usually is a woman holding the scales, I couldn't resist this
lovely man performing the duty of balance. 

So here you have examples of balance. I could populate this post with hundreds more, but just open your eyes. Mother Nature has balance occurring everywhere you look. What tree would stay upright without balance? What cave would have a standing roof, waterfall would have a curve over the edge, or flower petals would have symmetry around their centers without balance? Try to put some balance into your own life. Have a wonderful weekend.

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