Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Schedule Blues and Signal Boost

I'm still trying to get used to my new schedule, so I'm short on time *sigh*. I'm in my gym clothes, after a very restless night listening to my poor DH cough, and cough, and cough yet again. He had an up and down day yesterday but has to work for two more days before he can collapse for the rest of the week (except for Saturday night). This is moving into week 2 of the Creeping Crud now and I've heard from friends that it sometimes hangs on for as long as four weeks. Goodness! I'm really hoping not. He's barely getting any sleep at all between coughing bouts and he's waking me all night long, and I'm not even in the same room as he (I have NO intention of catching this damned bug, so separate rooms are a MUST).

Sometimes separate sleeping areas are essential. If I'm to avoid
also getting sick, I'll be staying in a different part of the house for a while. 

Signal boost to the fabulous and talented Dawn Felagund whose wonderful Mythmoot presentation has been posted here. If you are a fan of transformative fiction, or curious about what those of us who write transformative fanfiction are all about, you might want to listen to the 20-minute presentation that she makes here. The handout is also a wonderful addition, adding depth and dimension to the examination and explanation. Dawn offered a survey to the various posting boards of YahooGroups, LifeJournal and Dreamwidth (and possibly others I'm not aware of) for Tolkien fanfiction writers to fill out. The more than 700 hundred responses received by the end of the year constituted the empirical basis for her presentation. The poll will remain available for authors to add their data to the mix until the end of 2015 and, as of now there are close to 800 responses.

Mythmoot takes place in Maryland in January. The 2015 Moot was
the third year it has been held. Dawn has made presentations in
2014 and 2015 (and perhaps 2013 that I'm not aware of). It would be
lovely to attend one of these someday, but they're not exactly close by. 

I will be contacting the appliance store today and arranging for the installation of my new washer and dryer for Wednesday the 21st of January. I can hardly wait! I'm about as excited about this silly thing as a kid on their birthday looking forward to cake and a party. Of course, as a kid you never know whether you'll have a fun party or not. I remember many parties that were horribly disappointing as I grew up. But I can't blame my parents - they tried their best. Rather it was the quality (or lack of quality) of my friends at the time. I think that's when I determined that the value of friends was much deeper than whether they would attend a birthday party or not.

I remember birthday parties both good and bad, but it's human nature
to remember the bad with greater clarity. What a sad statement on
the human condition. Why can't we remember joy as easily as sorrow? 

In any case, if I'm going to get to the gym on time and start my day with the elliptical before I'm too awake to force myself into exercise, I'll have to wrap this up. If you're hoping for DH to get over his cold quickly, please step up the volume of your thoughts and prayers. Apparently the Deity of Health and Wellbeing is also suffering from this illness and has no intention of allowing him to heal anytime soon. *sigh* Have a wonderful Tuesday....

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