Saturday, April 27, 2013

Weekend Ramblings - Creativity

For a change I don't have anything scheduled for Sunday. I'm thinking about the luxury of vacuuming my house. I But my house has been getting out of hand lately and I actually like a clean place to live and work in. I would also like to start my next few art projects so getting the printouts for my inking pieces before I begin laying them out into layouts that will match with my internal visions.

Love the dress. I'll more likely be in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Isn't that the hard part? Whether we write, draw or paint, or even cook, we have an internal vision of what the end result will be. Our exercise of writing, painting or cooking is a series of steps that we perform to bring that internal vision into physical reality. We judge our success by how closely that end result matches our internal view. I'm bouncing with art and writing ideas now and want to delve into outlining, sketching, hunting the web and playing with my keyboard. The weekend holds such possibilities...

Here's some pics for your own inspiration...

This sculpture is made from old beer cans.

There is something so wonderful about the shapes and
colors of Flamingos.

Who can resist turtles? So wonderfully patterned and so amusing to watch.

I hope you have a fun and creative weekend that will result in a Monday where you can look back with a feeling of accomplishment.

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