Friday, April 26, 2013

Problems with Self-Esteem - Random Photos and Thoughts

My DH's phone awakened me at 3:00 am this morning with it's "chirp" sound. I've only heard this strange and loud signal from it once before and I always think it is the security alarm for the house first. My initial thought is "Are we flooding?" followed by a hunt for the origin of the noise. No...we weren't wet at all, the alarm pads showed that the security system was fine, but I was still hearing this sound. It took more than ten minutes before I narrowed it down to his jacket pocket and his phone which was telling him "Low Battery". *sigh* I plugged the phone in to charge it and tried to get another fifteen minutes of sleep, but was totally unsuccessful. I'll be cranky today and that's not a good thing :-(

I've got my cranky face on today...

So...I'm going to grab pics today from a variety of sources because my mind is bouncing around between thoughts with no real structure. A pictorial look into the thought processes of a sleep-deprived introspective artist - what a focus...

LED lights in an array. 

Hmmm...a burning cell phone. So very tempting....

My DH told me that I had no self-esteem last night. Wassup with that? I don't
think I have a problem with self-esteem, I tend to be TOO egotistical not
understating myself. It all was because I accused him of not being a
supportive partner. *sigh* What a wasted discussion...

Is it worth trying to connect to other people? I am a tireless optimist and
think that my contacts are fabulous but things can crash and burn...

Should I try to build a bridge again? The stones are turning into
pebbles, shrinking their efficacy every time they are pulled down.

There! Maybe I got all of this out of my system. If yes, then I'll have a good day. If no, I'll manage. I hope you've enjoyed this quick photo montage of my morning thoughts today and have a Fab Friday.

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