Thursday, April 25, 2013

Shifting Perspectives - Spring, Socks and Birds

It looks as though winter has finally decided to leave us, although I have learned to not count too heavily on that. Nonetheless, we are expected to be in the 60's and 70's over the next few days, the first time since the beginning of September last year. So I have high hopes which seem to be shared by the robins searching for worms and the ducks and geese which have been returning to the many area lakes.

Robins are such a harbinger of spring. I love their turquoise blue
eggs. We often will have a nest built near our entry door on top of
the side door light. It's somewhat protected, but a strong wind can
destroy the nest which has happened sometimes over the years.

As I lose weight I start looking at my closet in new ways. The possibilities are expanding. I have hopes of being able to wear some items that have been out of my realm of possibility by my birthday in a couple of weeks. That would be the perfect personal gift to myself and it would almost seem that I had purchased a new wardrobe without spending a penny.

These aren't mine. Mine are white background with
fluorescent hot pink, dark orange and light orange
diamonds. I could stop traffic with my socks today.
But these are really cute...

I did break down and buy two items of clothing yesterday, though. Fairly minor, though - two pairs of fluorescent-colored argyle knee-high socks. I tell you - I could stop traffic with these. So fun! I supposed to not wear things like eye-burning argyle socks at my age? Well...I gave up on caring about the silly opinions of the fashion police when I was a young squirt and I haven't changed :-) I like my argyle socks - LOL.

Soon parents will be busy trying to feed their insatiable young and
the cheeps and cries of birds will once again fill my world. I've
missed my birds over the winter.

Cindy's curtain rods took more than an hour to get disassembled and loaded into her SUV for her church's garage sale. The wall in which they were mounted is nothing more than thick wallboard and the rods weren't mounted into the studs, rather relied on molly bolts (expanding fasteners) to stabilize them. Really bad choice and leaving HUGE holes in the wall. Her contractor will spackle those up when he installs her new blinds next week. Job well done, though.

My cardinals are with me year-round. These plump ones
look like they just came from Angry Birds, don't they?

I think I want to concentrate on Spring for the day so I'm populating this post with birds because...well, just because. Because I can, because I want to, because I am tired and am not thinking great thoughts today. So...enjoy the birds and think of my crazy argyle socks as you go through your day with a smile on your face today.

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