Saturday, April 20, 2013

Success, Snow and Beauty

So after a massive manhunt both suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing have been captured. Although I am 100% horrified by what they did, in one corner of my mind I feel really sorry for the young man who was finally captured alive last night. I felt sorry for him because he must have been so frightened. He is only 19 years old. But...'nuff said because my sympathy will only stretch so far.

The suspect on the left was killed in a firefight in the early morning hours. He
was 26 years old. The suspect on the right was hiding from the police but
finally found after hours of lockdown and searching. He is 19 years old and still living.

Yesterday's snow was heavy, wet, and annoying, but we shoveled and shoveled. Before I left for work I took pictures because it was so beautiful outside. The wet snow draped on the branches and pulled them down. We went around and knocked the snow off so that our trees would survive and by the afternoon when I returned home from work, the snow had melted from all of the branches and the wonder of winter's paint brush was hidden again.

It was a magic scene that met our eyes in the morning. By the
late afternoon the snow was off the branches and hopefully this is the
last blast of our winter. The maple tree is in the center of our front yard.

Tomorrow I'll be attending the ACC show - lots of beautiful things to look at. The American Craft Council holds several shows across the nation each year where the top craftspeople in the nation gather to sell their goods. The St Paul show has been held for many years and I have gone for most of them. It is an annual event that I look forward to each year. So...I thought I would just share pretty pictures of some of the kinds of art that will be exhibited for sale with all of you.

Ceramics by Kirsten Walstead

Ceramics by Mary O'Malley

Gourd art by Denny Wainscott

Fine jewelry by George Sawyer. If I wasn't allergic to metal I'd get one of
his rings. I've loved them forever and he's one of the top in the field.

Paul Perman is a new exhibitor this year. His pieces look interesting, I can't
wait to see them in person.

Copper wall hangings by Judy and David Hedblom are stunning. I bought
one as a wedding gift for a friend a few years ago. The marriage
didn't last, but she still has the copper.

Another new exhibitor this year is Kest Schwartzman. What wonderful imagination.

I have always loved the stained glass made by Josephine Geiger. Such amazing
skill with color and shape. 

I'm hoping that DH will come with me, although he has said he would rather stay home this year. That's fine if he does, I'm going and I'll meet Chickie and Chickie Momma and a customer or two while I wander the hallways and exhibits for several hours. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that next week is a week of happiness, good news, and joy.

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